Getting to dislike m s more and more. I'm running older computers. I prefer to repurpous older equiptment to save some cash. I do not think we need supper computers to run a printer.
As of late. M s. Has hacked my computers and downloaded copilot which I don't want for this purpose. Sadly they made it so you can't remove the program or stop it from updating
My problem is it shuts down and rebooted
Right in the middle of my prints. I've lost half a dozen large prints due to not being able to keep there sticky fingers off my stuff
I have two questions one would be. On my bambu labs printer it loads the entire sliced
file and I can literally close my computer down is this possible with my duet wifi 2 board second. Could my in part that all my stuff has never been updated ?
We have no control over the copilot program it up in the programs or settings
For updates making it unable to be removed or updates shut off. Hence forth my.prob. I'm considering scrapping m s all together and going to Linux. Your input would be greatly appreciated

Posts made by ziggymanpopo
M s copilot
RE: User interface not responding.
Droftarts!!! That did!!!! i went into browser history and deleted everything and now it connects if it comes back I'll try to determine what the culprit was. Thank you for the input
RE: User interface not responding.
I'm sure it's something with the desktop cause I can print just fine with the slicer program
RE: User interface not responding.
Ping I'm not familiar with ???? I just put the ip address in the browser bar and push enter. Is that what you mean??
RE: User interface not responding.
No I. Can not it will respond to the ip address on my phone and laptop but not on the desk top. It will do an emergency stop when I do it on the phone. I've tried that and I'll try a reboot on the desktop next this has happened before. It said reconnecting ,,it never did then i closed the browser now the browser says unable to connect. An error occurred during a connection to 10..99.1.....(the ip address) does it maybe have to say http/ also????? A reboot on the desktop didn't do any good either this is an odd one.
User interface not responding.
So here's is an odd one. For some reason I've lost the user interface. It pops up on my phone but it has disappeared on my desktop computer ???? It sent a disconnect error and now won't reconnect. But if I put in the ip address in my phone it is active also on my laptop. I'm using Firefox on desktop. World yesterday but not today and also tried ms edge. Neither one worked. Any ideas???
Cnc plasma and duet boards
I've been using the duet wi fi board for a few years. And in the next six mo. or so i plan on building a cnc plasma table. Ofcourse I would love to stick with a duet board for the hardware. Can you all maybe make suggestions on what path would be a good one. ..what board would be best. I'm interested in using hight control
Along with a fairly large table min 5 x6 ft.
Some of the questions I had was stepper size
W/or without separate controllers for the larger steppers ect. I'm kind of known for a bit of overkill so I don't mind spending a little extra to over build it. Also I'm assuming that a software package would also be needed. Instead of a slicer program. Please advise and thaks for the input. -
Cnc plasma
Good day ya all
Well i think I'm gonna take a stab at using duet to build a cnc plasma cutting table.
I already have spare boards I bought some time ago. Is this a good plan ?
I love my duet wifi-2 boards I use for 3d printing and also have duet 3 board I'm not using.. so I'm fishing for info on the best way to go.
Please chime in if you have any experiences you can share, such as what board would be best and easyiest ...also where I can find the best software for ease of use ect.ect.Thanks in advance. Support the Hobbie and
Buy anything but junk from China...
Keep authentic duet parts and board available by not buying clones
First start on new lines heater
So here's my question
I went from low whlatt to 1300 watt heating pad. Wit a ssr.
I'm about to do the pid. And M303 H0. Says
Auto running heater 0 using target temp. Of 75c. And pwm 1.00 are these setting correct for me to run my pid. Mostly I'm asking about the pwm setting it seems to me that there would be other settings to consider the massive jump in wattage. "Please advised" it just seems to me that I'm missing a step. Where it's gonna heat way too fast. ...or maybe not. Is there other parameters I should be looking at. Like M307 maybe?????
Thanks for any input. -
120 v heat pad. On wifi 2 board
Making the jump from 12 v bed heat sink to 1300 watt 120v heat pad. Cr10s5 printer
So here's are my concerns- What format given my circumstances should I use. Years ago I remember reading something about bang bang as apposed to what we run with a Moffett style setup. I am using a ssr rated at 40 a. And an input voltage
(Trip ) of 3 to 32 v d.c.
What should I do to get the best results out of my new heat pad.
This is what i would like to know - "The trip" voltage for the ssr. Can I use the same wires that signaled the Moffett to heat the old pad. ??? Or would it overload the output...???
2 do I need a dif. G code to run the extreme high wattage or would (such as bang bang) or will ot work just fine off of the original programing - How fast can I let it heat up. Will I have warping issues if I heat too fast ???
4 anyone who has done this before. I would merry much appreciated your input.
Thanks a lot. And if anyone knows links that would help educate me, that would be great
Thanks in advance guys
- What format given my circumstances should I use. Years ago I remember reading something about bang bang as apposed to what we run with a Moffett style setup. I am using a ssr rated at 40 a. And an input voltage
RE: Fryed my power supply
hey guys so I was an elecical contractor for about 30 years it's a cr10-s5 and it ran for about 4 years off of a 360watt psu I think why the psu went bad because I put a ball screw and two 2 Amp steppers. To accommodate several mods. It's now installed and everything seems to be o k I am going to change out the bed heater to a thousand watter and use a ssr to switch the line current I gotta laugh cause it takes like 20 min. To get to temp it's more of a heatsink that anything
I appreciate the input and always ask dumb question because I don't know it all that's for sureyou all are.great.for putting up with my dumb questions and.i do appreciate it. This is a great Hobbie and duet rocks. I've learned a lot thanks to you all
RE: Fryed my power supply
@ziggymanpopo I would think that would be much better right?
RE: Fryed my power supply
I have 1075 watt 10 Amp supply that is supper quite
Fryed my power supply
Can I use a power supply from a desk top computer instead of a noisy Chinese one ??
RE: Uncomment out enable bed leveling
@Phaedrux ,,,Thank you I'll check out the link and try the file in a dif location help is appreciated