Inverting PS_ON levels
Since the AUXG and RC- terminals are already internally connected according to the datasheet, I decided to add a ring terminal to one of the ground wires I had. That connecting was then connected to V- and now all grounds are connected.
The system works fine now -
Hey there
I have the same problem with the RSP-500 from MeanWell.
Is there no chance to change the firmware?
So M81 pulls the pin to GND and M80 opens it? -
@selecta_mota said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
Hey there
I have the same problem with the RSP-500 from MeanWell.
Is there no chance to change the firmware?
So M81 pulls the pin to GND and M80 opens it?Sadly software changes cannot compensate for things that are not there in hardware. A quick look at your PSU's datasheet shows me that its ON/OFF logic is reversed from mine's. Are you sure you cannot use it as is, maybe with a pullup in there?
@nxt-1 the remote is a little different on the RSP.
I need 4-10V to turn the PSU off and anything below 4V to turn it on.
When there is nothing connected to the pins on the RSP it is on, when it gets GND on pin3 and 5V (from the external 5V supply) on pin4 it turns off.
So I just need the outputs of M80 and M81 commands to be switched. -
The Meanwell logic is a non-sens: if the 5V is lost, the power supply turns on! Looks very dangerous to me...
@fma said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
The Meanwell logic is a non-sens: if the 5V is lost, the power supply turns on! Looks very dangerous to me...
Yeah, I know its kind of awkward but its the only PSU I could find with a bult-in remote.
It cant be that hard changing the firmware from 1 to 0(at least thats what I hope):
I have it on my RRF 3 work list to add a parameter to M80/M81 to allow the sense of PS_ON to be inverted.
@dc42 said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
I have it on my RRF 3 work list to add a parameter to M80/M81 to allow the sense of PS_ON to be inverted.
Hi dc42!
Is there anything new to this topic on your work list?
For me it would be extremely helpful to just reverse the pin-logic in my config file somehow -
It's on the planned 3.2 feature list.
For anyone still looking for a simple solution for those Meanwell RSP Power Supplys. Here it is.
I implemented and I tested this with my Meanwell RSP-500-24 Power Supply. It works perfectly as intended.
There is also a PCB-Layout, but I have not implemented it yet and hence it is untested.
@dc42 said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
I have it on my RRF 3 work list to add a parameter to M80/M81 to allow the sense of PS_ON to be inverted.
Will this make the cut for 3.2? Fingers crossed..
@justus2342 Why there is an ext 5V input, while Mean Well RSP has 12V STBY line availabe?
@BoA said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
@justus2342 Why there is an ext 5V input, while Mean Well RSP has 12V STBY line availabe?
I am not sure if we are talking about the same PSU.
I am using the RSP-500-24. In the data sheet I cannot find any information on a 12V STBY line. This is the data sheet:
@justus2342 OK. Seems not all RSP were create equally
I use RSP-750-24 and it has 12V 100mA STBY power line
@dc42 said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
I have it on my RRF 3 work list to add a parameter to M80/M81 to allow the sense of PS_ON to be inverted.
I'm not seeing any mention of it in the beta changelogs. Does this mean it didn't make it into the upcoming release?
@dc42 said in Inverting PS_ON levels:
I have it on my RRF 3 work list to add a parameter to M80/M81 to allow the sense of PS_ON to be inverted.
This appears to have fallen of the radar and I cannot find the updated work list, nor any mention in the 3.3 beta notes.
Can I please get an update on where this item stands?
@oozebot having discussed this with @dc42 it is "on the list" for 3.4.
More generally, over time we plan to migrate more of the worklist into feature requests on the GitHub repository. This one was already there: So I updated it.