Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567
@cncmodeller I'm using a seperate Arduino to drive the backlight. Works fine.
@rilot said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
@cncmodeller I'm using a seperate Arduino to drive the backlight. Works fine.
@rilot good to know, thanks.
@rilot said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
@cncmodeller I'm using a seperate Arduino to drive the backlight. Works fine.
I have some ATMega44 chips soldered on a small SOP16 PCB(*), would they be powerful enough to drive the Neopixel?
Can you compile your program with Atmega44 selected?
Does it switch the backlight on/off, when I push the button on the LCD?*) It's the green PCB (Pololu stepper driver footprint)
@fulg said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
is not supported on Duet2 due to lack of memory. There are some details in this thread but it is hard to follow. That thread specifically says V2.1 of the display (the one with a NeoPixel) does not work on Duet2.I can confirm a Fysetc V1.2 12864 display works on Duet2 with RRF 3.2.2, you just need a custom wiring loom. I have since moved on to a Mini5+ where the V2.1 is natively supported.
I just picked up a Mini5+. Sticker on the back says V1.0 and connected to the Fysetc 12864 display with included 2811 RGB drivers. After adding M918 P2 E2 and M150 X1 Q3000000 to my config file, the LCD works just fine, but nothing on the side of M150 controlling the screens LED's. Any ideas?
Which firmware?
And which version of fysetc screen? -
Firmware 3.3beta3 will support a short string of Neopixels on Duet WiFi and Ethernet.
@dc42 said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
Firmware 3.3beta3 will support a short string of Neopixels on Duet WiFi and Ethernet.
I will give this a try when I get to work tomorrow, thanks. Will this firmware allow the M300 to play tones with wifi2? Currently, it just sends DC out to the piezo for the set duration but no oscillation.
@jay_s_uk said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
Which firmware?
And which version of fysetc screen?Im running RRF 3.2.2 with 12864 display using ST7567 and its got 3 on board 2811 drivers:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32862853197.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5d614c4doODGv6 -
This is my first post on the forum, so if I apologize in advance for any gaffes I eventually make.
I've been following this topic and others related to ST7567-based LCDs for a while, and a few days ago, I was discussing with a friend about the mess that wiring it for the Duet2 can quickly become, so I made a simple adapter board and wanted to share it, in case anyone has an interest. I have tested the wiring the board is based on, but not yet the board itself (I'll make it on a protoboard before placing an order), but it does look pretty straightforward. Board sits directly over Duet2, and EXP_1/EXP_2 cables go between it and the LCD.
I would very much appreciate feedback and suggestions, should anybody have any.
@leckietech you need to run RRF 3.3 to be able to drive the WS2811 LEDs.
@dc42 I installed 3.3 and a ST7567 https://wiki.fysetc.com/Generic_12864_Panel/ to my duet2 wifi. Did the wiring loom and all seems to work fine. Communication between display and printer works, SD card access works etc.
Only thing not working is the LED.
I set the display up with M918 P2.
And then I should be able to address the Neopixel LEDs with M150. Only command accepted is M150 X2, but it doesnt drive any LED of the display.
And M150 X1 gives Error: M150: Unsupported LED strip type
Any idea what to do to make the backlight of this display work with the Duet Wifi? -
Could someone using the Fysetc 2.1 and running a DUET please post his config here? I had it running for month now, but somehow my config got erased, and I can't get the display's LEDs working again.
I need this part, with the CORRECT PIN to setup... io5.out is not the correct one, and even after looking into manual ans stuff I can't figure it out. That's very confusing to me.
M918 P2 E-4 F2000000 ; Fysetc 12864mini M950 E1 C"io5.out" T1 U3 ; create a RGB Neopixel LED strip with 3 LEDs on the Duet 3 Mini 5+ 12864_EXP1 header M150 E1 R0 U0 B255 P255 S1 F1 ; display led blue M150 E1 R255 U0 B0 P255 S1 F1 ; left encoder led red M150 E1 R0 U255 B0 P255 S1 F0 ; right encoder led green
@izeman which firmware version are you using?
@dc42 said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
@izeman which firmware version are you using?
@izeman try pin name "connlcd.np".
@dc42 said in Duet2 ethernet and 12864 display using ST7567:
You're a true GENIUS. Thank you so much! Works perfectly fine now!!
@izeman I'm no genius, I'm the person who chose the pin names. We'll update the documentation. I'm glad it's working for you.
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@dc42 I know, but still
Tbh pin names are the most confusing part of Duet stuff. I tried converting to Klipper to try it out, but came back to RFF as I couldn't get bltouch working - just couldn't find the correct pins ...
Nethertheless I don't think I need klipper anyway. Ordered an accelerometer now and will try input shaping. Great stuff!!