Delta Printer, SmartEffector with Volcano and silicon sock on the heater block.
nozzle 1.2, set to 22mm3/s limit ant slicer.
FW 3.6.1 RC1
PID autotune with M303 T0 S250, Nozzle at the center of the heated bed at room temp and at Z=5
Autopid successfull, stored and working.
Start print with PLA at 220ºC, first layer fan off.
At second layer, fan at 100%, temperature starts droping, and could not reach again target temp (220)
My only change to have temp at target is settings fan al 58%.
I am planning to update heater to a 80W, but I also want to know if there is a chance that my current pid can be manual tunned to gain some "power" when fan is at 100%.
No need really because printing speed at 1.5 width and 0.5 height limits speed to about 40mm/sec, nad pla is cooled fine with fan al 58%, but would learn how to tweak pid so can have fan at 100%. Could heater stepfordward help somehow?
This is my actual pid config.
I just asked chtgpt how could I tune ir, and will try it later
M307 H1 R1.588 K0.266:0.074 D7.56 E1.35 S1.00 B0 V23.5