I think the question has to be moved to another section. It is not so much the wiring but rather the coding as I see it now.
However the M906 command did the trick.... I'm using excel for my config files, so I can use formulas for certain parameters. For some reason, the contents of the cell was replaced by a dot. therefore my config.g file was faulty.
Still amazing tot see my xyu motors were stepping 😉
I am using a double gantry therfore XYUV
I am using 4 Z motors
I am using 7 extruders
The Reprap config tool does not provide programming the double gantry, nor the 4 Zsteppers. The Reprap tool does allow 7 extruders, however M906 shows that the power definition is not accepted for all steppers. Only 3 steppers are accepted.