I'm using OrcaSlicer for 3 months and pirint looks briliant. Same settings, copied from SuperSlicer and quality is flawless

Posts made by button
RE: Orca slicer and Duet
12864 display Menu system
Hi guys.
Finaly have some time to fix some things in my Voron v0.1.
I have 12864 display connected to Duet3Mini.
I'm using Ultimate Duet Menu System and wanted to change some behaviors but discovered that is duet limitation, not menu system:; Bed Temp image R14 C25 L"imgs/bed.img" alter R14 C40 N180 W20 H2 text T" / " value N80 W20 text T"°C" ; Hotend Temp image R26 C25 L"imgs/temp.img" alter C40 N100 W20 H2 text T" / " value N0 W20 text T"°C"
When setting up bed heater active temp, bed getting active (from standby) When setting temp to 0 in web interface is showing -272 (and somehow i can set temp to -xxx value).
When setting nozzle/tool active temperature tool not getting active (i must add extra button to make this took active). When i set temp to 0, took getting OFF. Why?
Is there an option to:
- use conditional Gcode in menu files?
- adding extra behaviors to "alter" component? (If temp is lower then eg 20 put tool to standby, not off)
RE: Destroyed USB port - how add another wifi
I'm using usb to uart converter connected with jumper wires to paneldue connector on duet2wifi.Ps. Yes, sorry, i meant YAT
RE: Destroyed USB port - how add another wifi
@Phaedrux yes, was also and option for us, but when i told to my friend "remember to enable paneldue in config" i discovered that this was the thing we missed to comunnicate via usb to uart converter
RE: Destroyed USB port - how add another wifi
Ok, I enabled support for paneuldue in config.g and comunication via bossa works over paneldue uart -
Destroyed USB port - how add another wifi
Friend of mine destroyed USB socket on his Duet WiFi board. We must connect the printer to another network - how to send proper comands?
We were trying to do that via PanelDue port, but board is not responding. Also adding M552 etc comand at the end of config.g doing nothing. Do You have any ideas how to do that? -
RE: Dual motor extruder with 1 nozzle
I was thinking about loosing sync between both motors and eg. building pressure in bowden tube because one motor will be going faster (steps set correctly) -
RE: Dual motor extruder with 1 nozzle
But problem is that my main question was about 2 extruders pushins same filament to 1 nozzleOh, and i cant tell machine where it should start prinitng because eg tool 0 was printing object 1, and tool 1 starting printing from object 3.
RE: Dual motor extruder with 1 nozzle
From the begining:
You're printing with tool0, then coming T1 command from slicer - and tfree0 macro is called and tpost1. In macro tfree0 you gave eg G1 Z2 line. In tpost1 you cant gave G1 Z-2 because you'll move head down before it reach printing position in XY. Machine to move T1 head to the printing coordinates in X and Y and then lower gantry in Z. Not before. After XY movement. SuperSlicer not sending Z when you're not using wipe tower (it won't use it) -
RE: Dual motor extruder with 1 nozzle
@wwak84 duet with duex has 10 steppers, all in use right now.
All of tutorials from duet wiki I've done. Its slicer, not duet problem - how RRF could know when lower Z after 1st xy move after toolchange?Simulationusly meaning spool->feeding extruder->bowden tube->direct extruder
Dual motor extruder with 1 nozzle
I'm looking for experience and maybe advices. I have my own design IDEX printer. I have huge problem with slicer setring to make it working for dual material printing (eg. Want to lower nozzle of second extruder after movement on a position).
So decided to swap system to 1 hotend with direct drive extruder and add some fancy Y pipe and connected to it 2 bondtech extruders. Is Duet 2 WiFi powerfull enough to run 2 extruder motors simulationusly without any issues (retraction etc same time) or do I need build ERCF? -
RE: IDEX Markforged Home All issue
Did homing separate - working great. THX
IDEX Markforged Home All issue
I just after month my printer with dual marforged kinematic (IDEX).Problem that I have is at homing all axis.
I can home all axis separetly, and behavior is correct. When I hit home all i have error:
"Error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homed"My files for me looks really ok:
homeX:G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F2400 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 X-340 F3000 ; move quickly to X axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 X5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 X-340 F300 ; move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 H2 Z-5 F2400 ; lower Z again G90 ; absolute positioning
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F2400 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 U340 F3000 ; move quickly to Y axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 U-5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 U340 F300 ; move slowly to Y axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 H2 Z-5 F2400 ; lower Z again G90 ; absolute positioning
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F2400 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 Y340 F3000 ; move quickly to Y axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 Y-5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 Y340 F300 ; move slowly to Y axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 H2 Z-5 F2400 ; lower Z again G90 ; absolute positioning
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F2400 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 Z-300 F600 ; move Z down until the endstop is triggered G1 H2 Z3 F2400 G1 H1 Z-300 F180 G90 G1 Z5 F1200
And finaly HOMEALL:
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F2400 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 X-340 U340 F3000 ; move quickly to X and U axis endstops and stop there (first pass) G1 X5 U-5 F6000 ; odbicie X i U G1 H1 X-340 U340 F300 ; powrot wolno XU G1 H1 Y340 F3000 G1 Y-5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 Y340 F300 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass) G1 Y-320 F4800 G1 H1 Z-300 F600 ; move Z down stopping at the endstop G1 H2 Z3 F2400 G1 H1 Z-300 F180 G90 ; absolute positioning G1 Z5 F1200 ; lift Z
I can't figure out whats wrong here...
RE: Dual markforged kinematics
@dc42 I know that RRF support markforged kinematics, but IDEX in this case wouldnt be a problem?
Dual markforged kinematics
I'm designing upgrade for my cartesian printer. First i want to do only simple IDEX upgrade, but I have place to rebuild the printer for dual markforged kinematics.
Somebody did the same way like i did:
Do you think I'll have any issue to run it on reprap firmware?
I have 2 Y motors, connected with shift to make them more powerfull, but we can treat them like one motor -
RE: Printing issues, maybe somebody will help with that
All the time is overextrusion. Think i missed something in prusaslicer, swapped to ideamaker and quality is much better!
After that I started to checking everything, and when I was printing with infill less then 20% was ok. When increas infill getting worse. I changed infill overlap to 10% and infill flowrate to proper amount and now is perfect!
RE: Once again Z min endstop, BLtouch G29 and G32 correct using
Before today playing with printer reading from G32 were:
I'm finalizing screwing and tensioning everything back and I'll post what readings I have now.
2 gantrys where completely not tensioned...
After mechanical corrections:
How should it looks? Is this reading is ok?
What's doing F parameter in M671 command? -
RE: Donation for Duet dev team
@deckingman No, because I'm not looking your YouTube - it's not thing I'm using everyday for making money. Its a little difference
RE: Donation for Duet dev team
@jay_s_uk of course nobody push for donation, this is why we're calling it donation
But would be great to donation duet team, like I'm doing with marlin - every 2 month I'm sending them some cash
RE: Donation for Duet dev team
@Veti but what if not? Or using LPC port etc? And want to conribute development?