@wieman01 Of course you were correct the print did come loose. But I am not finished We have bead basted a glass build plate and also using Nano polymer. I will power down tonight and see what we get in the morning.

Best posts made by CarlBosson
RE: Pause the print for the day.
RE: PID Tuning Procedure
After all your help I wanted to give you an update. I have been using the commissioning document to fine tune the board. As I now have this "Work" printer at my home I have been doing this in the evenings. I am very close with the basic setup and may start a test print tonight or tomorrow, definitely by this weekend. -
RE: PID Tuning Procedure
Thank you for your input and all your help. All the heaters have been tuned. All the steppers have been calibrated. I printed this Benchy over the weekend. This looks pretty good to me! Have a great day.Carl
RE: Pause the print for the day.
The first test was a success! Thanks for all the help! After the firmware update there was no excessive extrusion at restart after power loss.
Today I will start a test print about an hour before we go home for the day. I will pause and power down like this morning, but I will not restart until tomorrow morning 7am EST. The printer will be at room temp when I get to work 75 deg F, this will test bed adhesion.
RE: Stepper Driver Plugs
@norder Thank you, just what I was looking for!
RE: Extruder set point limited to 270c
I have never seen a heating element fail in this manor before, but it looks like I let some of the smoke out. I will have replacement elements today and will replace tommrow. Once this is done I will report back. Thank you for your help.Carl
RE: Pause the print for the day.
@wieman01 I don't have a photo but there was only a very fine line. So you could see where it stopped and then restarted. I mean to say that I could see it only because i knew it was there.
RE: Stepper Driver Plugs
@norder Also very helpfull! Thank you again!
RE: Extruder set point limited to 270c
It turns out, I have still never seen a heating element fail in this manor. The problem was a loose connection. I have a small two pole screw terminal connecting the heating element in the hot end back to the control board. As I began to disassemble the hot end I found the loose terminal connection. It is heating and controlling as it should at 400 deg. C. You can mark this one solved! Thanks for all the help.Carl
RE: Stepper skipping/single phasing
@engikeneer the board is the duet 3D wifi if that is what your asking. I agree with both of you. I did some more searching after I posted this. I am pretty sure its a bad connection or broken wire. I have ordered new plugs and will run new PTFE coated wire. i will update when done. should be back up mid next week. Thanks for all your help.
RE: Stepper skipping/single phasing
@engikeneer You were correct. I rewired the stepper and the problem is solved! Back to printing. Thank you for all your help.
RE: Pause the print for the day.
@wieman01 I am back up and running. I need to finish this print so I am going to run through the night without stopping. Once I have the part I need I will restart the trial print. Stopping over night and restarting in the morning. This will most likely be early next week. I will send pictures.
RE: Pause the print for the day.
Ok here is the update. The test was a success! If you do not mind losing a mirror
. After I got back up and running, I also changed filament, I changed to 3Dxtech CarbonX
NYLON PA6+CF. This filament prints very well by the way.
So, to recap, I used standard 12" X 12" mirror tiles from Home Depot. I particle blasted the mirror to get it some texture then added two layers of Nano Polymer Adhesive letting it dry between layers. I did not use a brim this time with the added texture from blasting the glass it was not nessary. Enclosure temp was around 82⁰C Extruder 275⁰C Bed was 110⁰C. I started to print last Thursday and printed thru the night until Friday then shut everything down around 10:30am with about four hours left to go in the print. I came back in on Monday morning and restarted the print it finished without to may problems.
First issue there is a small visible line where the print restarted but I could clean this up if I wanted. This restart line did not affect the strength of the part at all. I dare you to try to break this part! Next, The part was stuck to the mirror so well that it broke trying to remove the print. It also left small pieces of glass stuck to the bottom of the print. I removed these with a small die grinder and proper PPE of course.
You can see the re start line at around 62mm in the photo.
This is the finished part.I think I will keep trying but will cut back on the adhesive. Thanks for all your help and have a great day.
RE: Swipe/prime Nozzle macro
@mikeabuilder This worked well. I am making some adjustments to fit my machine. Thank you.