@ComedianTF2 The M569 command shouldn't enable the drivers, only configure them. Only sending M17, or sending a motor move, should enable the driver. You should be able to send M569 commands as often as you like after running config.g, and the driver should not enable. At least, that's what happens on the Mini 5+ I have here. Unfortunately I don't have a 6XD to test. You can send M569 P0
to check how the each driver output on the 6XD is configured.
How have you wired the stepper driver? I assume you have wired the EN+ from the driver to +5V on the 6XD, and EN- to D0 EN- on the 6XD, as shown here https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_3_family/Duet_3_Mainboard_6XD_Hardware_Overview#connecting-external-motor-drivers. How is the 'Driver Enable Polarity' (En_Pol) jumper set?
In the table, it says
Drive initial time 2 - - s
The 'Drive initial time' of 2 seconds might be the reason that enable appears to be delayed. Try sending M17, wait 2 seconds, then a move. The manual also says:
The 4-28V signal level is used for protection of pulse, direction and enable.
It's possible that it's not reliably picking up the enable signal, which is 5V from the 6XD. Check your wiring. If you disconnect the enable wires, the driver should be enable at power on, and be enabled the whole time, which might be easier.