@dc42 I bought the genuine duet2 wifi board from you. can I send it back to you for repair? how much would that cost?

Posts made by gperman
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
yea this circuit is dead. I ripped the copper trace off the board for the source terminal.
I cant even get the hotfan to work with the fan2 circuit. I am way out of my depth here. All I've managed to print is benchies after 2 year of owning this predator. I think it's time to toss this whole thing in the trash and buy a prusa.
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
Using that test from that link, I cant seem to turn on any of my mosfets. I tried 4 so far. Held probes to source and gate then source and drain, nothing. No continuity
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
@dc42 performed a mosfet continuity test as per:
https://www.google.com/search?q=testing+mosfet+with+multimeter&oq=testing+mos&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0l9.4510j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_6gCnYJmFE-yj_Qb_xKjgBg17Realllllly difficult to get my finger in there to short out all 3 pins but i think I did......maybe.
When I short out all 3 then probe source to drain I get temporary continuity that slowly dissipates to open circuit. Then probe source to gate and get the same thing......light continuity 1900 or so that dissipates to 1.
pretty sure its a bad mosfet. Going to resolder one in and do it again I guess.....
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
@dc42 i measured the V+ Header pin on the duet2wifi board (multimeter between v+ and - ) when the fan is supposed to be on and it outputs 3.something volts. Forgot to write it down.
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
@gperman i didnt touch anything but TR5
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
@gperman sorry for the poor camera quality. That was the best I could do. These are very small.
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
@phaedrux digikey kept sending me the wrong components.
I resoldered in a new mosfet but that didnt change any symptoms. Took the hot fan off and tested, works good. heated the hot end up past the threshold fo rthe fan and only see 3v at the pins off the duet2 wifi board.
I replaced the mosfet at TR5 (Fan0) I believe that's the correct fan for the hotend. No effect.
I suppose I could switch the fan to pwm fan2 but that doesn't fix my board.
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
TR5 and TR9 dont not seem to be damaged. The 3 blade fuses are intact as well.
RE: Shorted circuit for hot end fan
@phaedrux Thank you!
Also, does anyone know of a wire strain relief apparatus that goes on the two main in connectors for a smart effector? The movement of the effector keeps breaking my wires art the crimp.
Shorted circuit for hot end fan
I shorted out the circuit for my hot end fan, is there any way to repair it or will I need to buy a new duet2 wifi board?
Smart effector LED randomly turning on and off
Smart effector LED blinking vid
Here's a vid of the LED's turning on and off. It appears as if the LED's turn off when the effector reaches a specific area. Possibly a stretched wire loosing electrical contact? Could it be the magnets? I alternated polarity for the arms that are closest near the smart effector.
Anyone else deal with this? Faulty board maybe?
RE: Mosquito hot end fan
good info, thanks.
so for the hot end cooling fan: good practice is to find what kind of cooling is necessary for filaments you plan to use and stick with that, hopefully it's quiet.
I'm confused as to why the duet2 board only provides 2 wire fan outputs and pwm control when primarily only 3 and 4 wire fans are PWM'able. That makes it difficult to modulate the part cooling fan properly.
RE: Mosquito hot end fan
It seemed fine at any voltage when modulated that way. Now, I'm not sure what speed it will be best at for printing. Havent gotten to that point yet. I might be able to install a variable DC board with a pot that sticks out of the electrical enclosure to play with it manually since it doesnt seem the duet can do it electrically.
Then again, perhaps the new fan en route will be more cooperative.
RE: Mosquito hot end fan
The resistor thing would be a last ditch effort IMO. Figuring out why the fan cant change speeds via PWM is the main objective. I'm wondering if the people contributing config code have a mosquito fan or another.
I switched connector to fan2 output and the behavior was the same. I'll try another fan. I'll try and contact mosquito and see what they say about their fan, pwm and freqency.
RE: Mosquito hot end fan
Just tried this, didnt work either. Not sure whats up. Going to replace the fan and see what that does.
Attached the fan to my variable DC power supply and dialed it down to 12v and it worked fine with that. I dont think the pin output on the Duet is voltage variable though.
RE: Mosquito hot end fan
Tried B1, that didnt affect anything.
Tried Q6-50000 at various points, probably about 40 or so random points. 10000 was the only frequency that affected a change and it only allowed S1-S0.7, S0.6 shut the fan off. At Q50000 the fan just ran 100% at all speed points.Even at S0.7, it's still screamingly loud. I have a feeling even if I slowed it down to S0.3 it'd still be too loud.
Aside from having a 0.06w 24v box fan on order (mosquito is 0.1w) I'd still like to get the speed function working properly.
Mosquito hot end fan
This topic has been covered but the solutions in other threads did not seem to solve my problem.
The pitch and tone of the fan is so shrieking that it's headache inducing after a very short period of time.
I tried:
M950 F1 C"fan1" Q500 ; create fan 1 on pin fan1 and set its frequency M106 P1 C"fan1" S.7 H1 T45 ; set fan 1 value. Thermostatic control is turned on
as per Mosquito's suggestion but the fan just sits there and jiggles (struggles) with any other setting other than S1. Not sure why I can't seem to PWM the fan down. I tried all the way down to 6KHz (Q6) and S.7 which made the fan pulse like it was speeding up then slowing down. any other S setting the fan just turned off.
24v fan in 24v system duet2wifi
RE: Anycubic Predator Delta effector tilt
I’ll give that a try. I need to print a slightly better fan shroud as well.