By the way, that worked. Thanks

Posts made by jhelmstetterjr
RE: sensors.probes[].diveHeight
@OwenD Ah, that makes sense. As I only have 1 Z probe, the first element in the array would be 0, correct?
I am running a macro that is using the object "sensors.probes[].diveHeight" I know that it has been replaced by sensors.probes[].diveHeights. I ried updating the macro, however, when I replace diveHeight with diveHeights, I get the error:
M98 P"0:/macros/Maintenance/Calibrate Z Offset"
Error: in file macro line 26 column 41: G1: expected numeric operandLine 26: G1 Z{sensors.probes[0].diveHeights} F360 ; if axes homed move to dive height
If I change it back to diveHeight, I get the warning that the object is obsolete, but the macro works.
RE: Extruder 0 reported 'tooLittleMovement'
@dc42 @alankilian @Phaedrux
Thanks for all the help. it is working now.
What I discovered:
The reason my AGC was so good was that the magnet was almost touching the hall-effect sensor. In fact, when I disassembled the MFM I found that the shaft from the hob gear was scratching a nice circle on the top of the hall-effect sensor. I believe this was causing the magnet to turn intermittently.What I did:
I reprinted the housing using .06mm layers and gradually sanded it down until I got 90 agc. I then moved my MFM mount down about 50mm and added PTFE tubes on the enter and exit. I'm printing a XYZ calibration cube at the moment and here is my M591 D0:Duet3D rotating magnet filament monitor v3 on pin e0stop, enabled, sensitivity 24.80mm/rev, allow 10% to 190%, check every 10.0mm, version 3, mag 131 agc 91, measured sensitivity 27.16mm/rev, min 89% max 103% over 1234.5mm
Again thanks for all the help.
RE: Extruder 0 reported 'tooLittleMovement'
@dc42 I reprinted the housing and reassembled but now I'm getting seven red flashes on boot up. If I'm reading the firmware correctly it means that the magnet is too far away (FLASHES_ERR_TOO_WEAK = 7)? Running the M591 D0 results in:
M591 D0
Duet3D rotating magnet filament monitor v1 on pin e0stop, enabled, sensitivity 24.80mm/rev, allow 10% to 190%, check every 10.0mm, no data received -
RE: Extruder 0 reported 'tooLittleMovement'
@alankilian I took the housing apart and sanded the inside of the idler to allow the bearing to get closer to the hobbed gear. Put it all back together and still have the same problem. I'm going to try reprinting the housing. If that doesn't work I'll see if I can get the housing SLA printed.
Thanks for now.
RE: Extruder 0 reported 'tooLittleMovement'
@phaedrux The printer is a D-bot using the bowden-type extruder. Below is a picture of it. The bracket below the extruder holders the filament sensor.
Upon power up I get three green flashes. When the printer is extruding I am seeing green and red flashes on the led.
I modified the M591 parameters to give a wider tolerance range and increased the distance between comparisons but I still get the same error.
M591 D0
Duet3D rotating magnet filament monitor v3 on pin e0stop, enabled, sensitivity 24.80mm/rev, allow 10% to 190%, check every 20.0mm, version 3, mag 132 agc 88, measured sensitivity infmm/rev, min 0% max 0% over 42.3mmM122
=== Diagnostics ===
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3.2.2 running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Board ID: 08DJM-9178L-L2MS8-6J9DA-3S86J-K8GAN
Used output buffers: 3 of 24 (22 max)
=== Filament sensors ===
Extruder 0: pos 0.00, errs: frame 0 parity 0 ovrun 0 pol 0 ovdue 0 -
Extruder 0 reported 'tooLittleMovement'
I am trying to perform the calibration but shortly after the print starts the job pauses and the error message "Extruder 0 reported 'tooLittleMovement'" is displayed.
Magnetic Filament Monitor v1.7a connected to Duet Wifi E0 endstop using a crossover cable.
M591 D0
Duet3D rotating magnet filament monitor v3 on pin e0stop, enabled, sensitivity 24.80mm/rev, allow 70% to 130%, check every 3.0mm, version 3, mag 132 agc 88, measured sensitivity infmm/rev, min 0% max 0% over 11.2mmThe sensor is mounted below and against the extruder.
What steps should I take to troubleshoot this error?
Magnetic filament monitor - oops
I was assembling the sensor and dropped the hobbed assembly which broke the magnet in two. Is there a way to replace just the magnet or do I need to replace the whole assembly? Is it possible to just buy the assembly or do I need to replace the whole sensor?
RE: Question about end stop components on the Duet
I have a DuetWifi 1.02 running firmware 2.02(RTOS) (2018-12-24b1). I double-checked my configuration and it is actually my E0 end stop that is not functioning. If I disconnect all connectors from the board and power it through the USB port, when I issue a M119 the output is "Endstops - X: not stopped, Y: not stopped, Z: at min stop, Z probe: at min stop". Note that I am using a BLTouch for my Z probe which is connected to the probe port and the Heater 3 for control, hence the Z at min reading. I'm not sure why the E0 & E1 endstops do not report in M119 but on the Machine Properties page it shows for E0 "Endstop hit = Yes".
Question about end stop components on the Duet
Some how I ended up shorting out the Z end stop. I remapped it to another available pin so no big problem. I was wondering what component(s) are actually effected when this happens? Does it just destroy that part of the logic chip or are components involved as well?
Yet another manual bed leveling question (M671 / G32)
1_1530069905530_config.g 0_1530069905530_beg.g I have read through the Using the manual bed levelling assistant several times but I am encountering an issue where when I execute a G32 command the printer does not probe any of the points and the web page displays:
"Manual corrections required: 0.00 turn up (0.00mm) 0.00 turn up (-0.00mm) 0.00 turn up (-0.00mm) 0.00 turn up (-0.00mm)".
If I enter a M671 I get the following:
"Z leadscrew coordinates (-18.0,-11.0) (-18.0,315.0) (318.0,-11.0) (318.0,315.0), factor 1.00, maximum correction 1.00mm, manual adjusting screw pitch 0.50mm"
I have verified that the M671 statement is the last line in my config.g and my bed.g appear to be correct as well.
I'm not sure what the issue is at this point.
I have attached my config.g and bed.g for reference.
RE: Shorted E0 endstop?
The sensor I had was the model LJ12A3-4-Z/BX . It has three wires which are colored brown, blue, and black. The device was wired as such:
brown: +24VDC
blue: E0 STOP GND
black: cathode of diode, anode to E0 STOP STPI can't remember which wire was responsible for the arcs but it was contacting the Duet board in the area between the +5 and +3.3 VDC LEDs and the E0 / E1 Heater headers. But like I said, the board appears to be working fine except for the E0 Stop.
RE: Shorted E0 endstop?
There was a Schottky diode as connected as described in the documentation. I did switch over to using a different pin and re-crimped my connections. The printer is functioning again and I'm working on tweaks now. Thanks for responding.
Shorted E0 endstop?
I had an NPN inductive sensor connected to my Duet3d Wifi and it was working flawlessly. One of my connector crimps failed and the wire made contact with something on the board around what I believe are the regulators. There were several small arcs but no magic smoke was released and I didn't smell or see any burnt components. I secured the wire and powered the Duet back on to find that my E0 endstop is constantly activated (i.e. Endstop hit remains at Yes). This is true even with the inductive sensor disconnected. The inductive sensor itself was also damaged as while it still will detect the proximity of metal the output of the sensor remains at .2 VDC with a 24VDC input. There appears to be no other problems with the Duet as I have changed the Z probe to a BLTouch and everything seems to be functioning again.
What components are likely damaged on the Duet?