Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@Polyneutron21 said in Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin):
What is the point of all this.
That may be a good question actually. Is there something you require the Pi for, rather than just standalone mode?
@Phaedrux I would rather use SBC mode. if I cannot get the SBC mode straight, there is little to no point. I have Two Manta M8P with integrated CM4 with 8 gb memory and 16GB EMMC and I had klipper on the emmc for years. CanFD was the clear choice as Can was too flakey. I still have a couple EBB36 tool boards but UUID's kept getting lost.
@jay_s_uk I took it out of the printer, connected it to a 24 VDC power supply and the pi to the computer with the USBC and the 24-40 pin cables. The wiring could not be simpler yet there was no change. I updated the firmware in the Pi 5 to 3.5.4 but the transfer pin faulted there as well. The update did finish.
Then I took it all down to pieces and used only the microSD card that came with the board and a USBC cable to the computer and the computer doesn't see it and the device manager doesn't have it.
@Polyneutron21 maybe you need to flash the board with firmware then. Best look at bossa recovery for the board you have
@jay_s_uk Okay I used Bosa to flash the 6HC with the newest firmware. Neither Pi 5 would connect without the error. I purchased a new Raspberry Pi 4B it arrived today. I burned the newest Duet Web control to the Duet microSD card using the raspberry pi imager. Then I connected the 24 pin plug to the mainboard and the 40 Pin GPIO on the pi SBC. I inserted the new image. Used a PSU to supply power to the Pi and a 24V PSU to power the 6HC mainboard. It booted up, tried to connect and "waiting for transfer pin" error again. I have not been able to connect this board without the waiting for transfer pin satisfied.
@Polyneutron21 you have the cable connected incorrectly to the pi...
https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Machine_configuration/SBC_setup -
@andywm said in Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin):
Hello, I need help troubleshooting this issue;
A few months ago, I converted one of my machines to use an SBC mode Duet3 6HC. The machine now randomly halts. DWC will report status=disconnected. And this warning will be in the console;
"Warning: Lost connection to Duet (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin"
Sorry for not replying to your initial post, not sure how I missed it. Generally, intermittent timeout issues are due to interference. There is some troubleshooting advice in the documentation here: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Machine_configuration/SBC_setup#warning-lost-connection-to-duet-timeout-while-waiting-for-transfer-ready-pin-error
@jay_s_uk You are correct, I re-connected all of it correctly and nothing changed. First time for everything. I have tried two different pi 5's and two different 26 pin to 40 pin GPIO and this was a new Pi 4B 8GB.
@Polyneutron21 take the SD card out of the 6HC...
@jay_s_uk SD card is out. Cables are correct. Shh in and updated software. Still incomplete connection as it is waiting for the transfer pin.
@Polyneutron21 Had a chance to troubleshoot your 6HC return today. First tests did confirm the transfer ready pin error, but then I noted that the erase jumper was left on the pins, continuously erasing the firmware. I took a close look at the photos you posted to the forum, and I can see the erase jumper was installed then, too:
I removed the erase jumper, flashed the firmware with Bossa, and tested the board - it works fine: