@Phaedrux OK, so just assign either one to X and Y and then just fix the directions in the config?

Posts made by SpeedyDad
RE: Voron Trident XY configuration
Voron Trident XY configuration
I'm building a Voron trident using a Duet Mini 5+. It was part of an older printer I have retired and want to recycle the electronics. The Trident uses A and B drives instead of X and Y. For configuration sakes, I need to know is A=X and Y=B or vice versa. I guess I could just plug them in and play with the config until things go the proper directions but figured someone here might know. Thanks.
RE: Mini 5+ Odd fan behavior and now nothing. Blown Out3 and Out4?
@jay_s_uk OK, that explains it. Thanks
As far as the rest go, I feel really stupid now. Out3 and Out4 are fine. Somewhere along the way in testing, I must have confused the two connectors and I was testing with the lead which I believed to be the part fan. It was not. It was the lead going to the disconnected hotend fan. Dumb! I made an assumption and it bit me. That and the misunderstanding about "Tool Fan" led me down the wrong path.
RE: Mini 5+ Odd fan behavior and now nothing. Blown Out3 and Out4?
When I looked at the web interface, it showed sliders for both the part cooling fan and the hotend fan so that's where the confusion lay. There should not have been a slider for the thermostatically controlled fan. My later testing by connecting the part cooling fan to either of the Out channels and nothing working is what concerns me.
Mini 5+ Odd fan behavior and now nothing. Blown Out3 and Out4?
I think I've just blown Out3 and Out4 on my Duet 3 Mini 5+. I had a nozzle clog and I realized it was because the hotend fan was not turning. I tried to test it via the web interface by trying to turn on the hotend fan through the interface. Both fan sliders moved at the same time when I moved one or the other. Well, I thought that was odd. When I moved them, only the part fan came on. My next thought was to swap fans between Out3 and Out4. No difference. Only the part fan came on. Swapped them back and now no fans will come on. Tested the part fan on my power supply and it worked. Tested the hotend fan and it is dead. Could something as simple as a fan dying kill the outputs? If these are both blown, can I hook up the parts fan to another output? I can hook the hotend fan straight to 12v.
RE: Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?
@T3P3Tony said in Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?:
@SpeedyDad can you ground that?
I'd basically have to grind the powder coating off the cold side and run a ground wire to it.
RE: Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?
@T3P3Tony said in Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?:
@SpeedyDad what is the coldside you are using?
It is basically a Revo Six
RE: Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?
@Phaedrux Will do. How do I ground an E3D Revo? On the Hemera XS on my other printer, I grounded it to a mounting screw on the extruder body. There are no screws on the Revo. Grind off part of the anodizing and sandwich a ground wire in the mount?
RE: Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?
@Phaedrux said in Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?:
When and where did you purchase the Mini 5?
November 29 2024 from Filastruder.
Duet Mini 5+ Temp1 failure?
I have a relatively new Mini 5+. It successfully completed a print a couple days ago but yesterday, I switched it on and started a print when, after a couple minutes, I noticed that the hotend was reading 320. I thought it was a thermal runaway so i shut it off and figured I'd look in to it today. When I say shut it off, I turned off power at the power strip.
Today I turned it on and the temp for the hotend was reading 264. I thought that was odd so I put my finger near the hotend and felt no heat. It was stole cold. Figured the thermistor (e3D Revo) had gone bad so I plugged another known good one in and it read the same thing. Turned off the machine and unplugged the thermistor completely and, when I turned the machine back on, the temp read 64. It should have said 2000. I then turned it off and plugged the hotend thermistor in to Temp2 and reassigned it in the config file. Now, it shows the proper temp. Board port failure? I'm afraid to start a print in case the thermistor caused the failure. Thoughts? -
RE: X and Y axis stopping and starting
@jay_s_uk Yup, that was it. Thanks! It's odd. I can't recall ever changing that but it is possible.
RE: X and Y axis stopping and starting
@jay_s_uk OK, that makes sense. I'll give that a try.
RE: X and Y axis stopping and starting
@jay_s_uk How would that affect it if it is only affecting X and Y. I have not changed Z jerk settings and this issue just started happening. Here it is anyways.
RE: X and Y axis stopping and starting
Now that i think about it, I've been having some issues with printing height. It prints fine but in the center of the bed, it prints too low and the print peels up. This started happening about the same time as the stutter seemed to start. Could my height map file be corrupted or maybe the SD card?
X and Y axis stopping and starting
I've had a problem crop up lately and I'm at a loss to determine what it is. During X and Y moves, the machine randomly stutters briefly then starts moving again. The faster the speed, the more it pauses. Z axis doesn't do this and neither does E. The machine is a 400x400x400 Voron 2.4. It is running DWC 3.4.6. It's not a slicer issue as I've tried it in both Simplify3D and Orcaslicer. The odd thing is that it doesn't do it at all when I command a homeall and the head moves to home X and Y but will have a slight stutter when moving to probe Z (Bltouch)
More bits of data, it doesn't do it at all until I run mesh compensation test.. During these "stutters" there is no perceptible voltage drop and the MCU is running between 36 and 40c. The stepper motors are cool to the touch.
RE: Error trying to install Input Shaping plugin
OK, Got it. I figured it was a "I'm on a Mac" thing. Instead of just downloading the file, I right-click on the download link and did a "save As". It downloaded it with a longer name and that zip file worked fine.
RE: Error trying to install Input Shaping plugin
I am running DWC 3.4.6 according to the printer. And, I'm on a Mac if that make a difference. -
RE: Error trying to install Input Shaping plugin
@droftarts Actually, Mine says:
; Configuration file for Duet 3 Mini 5+ (firmware version 3.3)
; executed by the firmware on start-up
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.4.1 on Sat Aug 17 2024 21:55:35 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)M115 says 3.4.0
RE: Error trying to install Input Shaping plugin
@droftarts Ah. The Duet docs say DWC 3.4 so I assumed I was OK. I was trying to avoid having to upgrade to 3.5.3 to avoid having to ask update my Toolboard and paneldue and, I imagine, there would be changes to the config file too.