Hi David
HW Duet Wi-Fi
FW 2.0R2
DuetWiFiserver 1.21 and DuetWebControl 1.21.1RC4
Gcode file 2.5 Mb upload is very slow ... error on upload ...
No deleting file after upload ( failed ) .... DWC response : ....file is open ...
Thanks Giorgio

Posts made by TYPPA Albert Einstein
RE: Firmware 2.0RC2 released
RE: Corner LEDs not working
Ok thanks for response DC42,
It is boring to always see the LEDs ON, especially at night with long prints. There is no possibility to switch them on / off with a command. Thanks again -
RE: Corner LEDs not working
The 3 white corner led on / off is possible , or light ever time when printing ?
Thanks -
RE: Happy new year….!!!!!
Auguri di buon anno 2018!!!
RE: Power failure and DNS name
In firmware 1.20 you can just send M116. That will run resurrect.g.
Thanks David…. but M116: Wait ?
Sorry, I meant M916.
RE: Power failure and DNS name
Hi David DC42
stupid question : on DWC 1.9.3 for printing file resurrect.g ? No option for printing …..use macro ?
FW 1.20 Beta 11 / DWC 1.93 / Ethernet
is problem on DWC/ Christian ?Ciao
RE: Motor Current
Mine is the same - looks like a glitch in the machine properties tab of DWC. Never looked at it before so it might have been there for ever. M906 with no parameters is the reliable indicator - ignore the values shown in the machine properties tab of DWC. I guess this is one for Chris Ham, not David.
Ok Thanks for the moment ….But on 1.9 FW is perfect on DWC...i reed 1200 mA
Motor Current
Hi David Dc42
Why on DWC the value Motor Current is 0 mA …is bug ?
My Config on 1.9.3 /1.20 beta 10 Duet Ethernet
M906 X1200 Y1200 Z1200 E1500 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent
Thanks -
RE: Power failure and DNS name
Thanks David for the quick reply
sorry David …. but the recovery file is written on the SD without my own to create the cone files in the exact version 1.9 or I have to create the files ... am I confused? For the Delta system at 12V in ATX what values tell me ..... I think only a small movement in Z can do -
Power failure and DNS name
Hi David DC42 and all
Two question
on beta 1.20 8
This wiki for power failure is corret for this release ? I use new versions 1.20 FW configurator at 12v ( set on 10 at 11 default is right ? I nedd create the file or is write in FW ?
Second question
Why on my web interface ( Chrome ) I not work nome dns it work on IP address not on name my Delta : M550 PTyppa
Server not recognize …
Duet ethernet FW 1.20 8 / web 1.93 last edge
Sorry my bad English -
Z axis question
Hi David DC42, Hi all people
is it possible with the Duet FW 1.20 ( plus x5 ) having 4 Z axes simultaneously with the new control loss control features, to have a self leveling?
Thank you -
Thanks !!!
HI Tony
Wow is very good news thsnks!!!
Welcome the DuetWifi Forums
Note: new registrations are temporarily suspended until further spam protection is put in
STOP SPAM…. grazie -
RE: Call for Videos
Hi Tony
This is my page on Facebook … more video and Photo of my Delta on Duet Wi-Fi
Thanks -
RE: Time and filamen used write on SD
This will be part of Logging, which is at or near the top of the firmware wishlist now. You can already see the filament required (according to the slicer) in the GCode Files list.
Thanks David
Windows 7 64 bit and drive usb
Hi David DC42
My client as problems win 7 64 bit..to setting drive usb for run macro for network … file .inf not validate the drive ... the procedure is this on our wiki ....
.......Go to RepRapFirmware on github and download DuetDriverFiles.zip in Raw mode (i.e. click on the link to the file and then press the Download button) to a folder on your computer. Unzip the file to extract the two driver files, duet.inf and duet.cat.
Under Windows 10 you can install it by opening the folder in File Manager and double-clicking on duet.inf.
Under earlier versions of Windows, open Device Manager, find the "Unknown device" that appears when you connect the Duet, right-click on it, select Update Driver, select Have Disk, and browse to the duet.inf file. -
RE: Firmware 1.19RC5 released - last chance to report issues
M292 BUG
if set Z0 appear the jog control ,also is set Z1 ?
Thanks David for all time devoloper this FW
GiorgioAll Z motors are always moved together, except in the special case of using multiple independently-driven Z motors to perform bed leveling.
sorry David is my error on typing !!!
M291: Display message and optionally wait for response
The parameter Z0 also the Z1 visualize the jog on message box -
RE: Firmware 1.19RC5 released - last chance to report issues
M292 BUG
if set Z0 appear the jog control ,also is set Z1 ?
Thanks David for all time devoloper this FW
Giorgio -
RE: Power Failure
Ok ….just one little BUG
M291: Display message and optionally wait for response
Supported in firmware version 1.19beta7 and later.Parameters
P"message" The message to display, which must be enclosed in double quotation marks. if the message itself contains a double quotation mark, use two double quotation marks to represent it.
R"message" Optional title for the message box. Must be enclosed in double quotation marks too.
Sn 0 = no acknowledgement needed (default), 1 = display an OK button and wait for it to be pressed (the user interface then sends M292 to indicate that is has been acknowledged)
Tn Timeout in seconds, ignored if S=1. The message will be cancelled after this amount of time, if the user does not cancel it before then. A zero or negative value means that the message does not time (it may still be cancelled by the user). The default value is 10 seconds
Zn 0 = no special action, 1 = display Z jog buttons alongside the message to allow the user to adjust the height of the print headif set Z0 appear the jog control ,also is set Z1