@wilriker FYI, If you have a plastic spool holder, it will transfer static charges via the filament onto the ungrounded) extruder motor (2 users recently have been hit by this problem)

Best posts made by whosrdaddy
RE: Grounding!
RE: RepRapFirmware 2.0 with RTOS in development
Completed 2 5 hour prints on 2.0 alpha without any issues, amazing stuff David!.
2 (minor) problems I found so far:
- sometimes the ESP8266 would not boot a power up (blue led won't light up) ( a power cycle solves this).
- DWC Disconnects at the end of an upload.
for reference:
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Firmware Version: 2.0(RTOS)alpha1 (2018-04-05b2)
WiFi Server Version: 1.21
Web Interface Version: 1.21.1-b1Here is the last completed print on 2.0 alpha
RE: gcode to run at power up
I would create a macro and call it at the end of
. -
RE: desperate, about to give up
@bearer no you are on the right track, motor currents are way too low.
@printingmark try setting 1000ma for the xyz motors and 1300ma for the extruder motor. -
RE: Intergrating a precision piezo in Duet-wifi
The reason that there many pins is that you can easily connect multiple piezo disks.
For example, I have 4 disks in my setup (2 x 2 in parallel, 1 for pickup, 1 for noise canceling)
The confusing part is that the piezo's connect horizontally but the connection towards the Duet is a vertical connectionThis is the order - I am using the first image as a reference here, second image inverts the pcb.
As you see on the silkscreen the 2 bottom vertical stacks are the same:
Top pin connects to Duet Z Probe in
Middle pin connects to Duet Ground
Bottom pin connects to Duet 3.3VThe pins to the top are 3 horizontal pairs to connect piezo disks to, make sure you respect the polarity (use a multimeter if you are not sure) otherwise the board will perform bad
The pins in the middle are just ground and are generally not used.
here is an attempt explaining it with Paint:
Hope this helps
RE: Math and Variables in gcode
Here is the doc how to configure indepent Z motors:
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Bed_levelling_using_multiple_independent_Z_ -
RE: Limited service from me during 3D Meetup Sweden
Found a youtube video from this year, the Duet stand can be seen around 4:30 minutes in the video.
It seems that they have a Zatsit printer on display -
RE: Extruder Max Speed Stuck at 1.33mm/s
Pro Tip:
if you put
, you define the values for x16 andM350
will do the correct math if you change from x16 to a higher stepping mode... -
RE: Extruder stopped working
Your extruder driver could be blown, try remapping the extruder to the E1 and see if that fixes your problem.
Also make sure that the cable to the extruder is intact (put a motor with a different cable on the board) -
RE: DuetWifi-error: filename too long
Seems like the duet is getting ocsp requests (certificate checks), I guess you are using a Mac?
This is normal as the duet is the internet connection for the computer when the duet is in AP mode.
You can turn it off if you want, look here for more information. -
RE: A bit confused about fans in the WebUI
yeah, I find it confusing too.
If you only have one tool, it should only show one slider, not 2 -
RE: DWC2 two versions difference
Essentially, the "mini" version contains the same files but they are minified...
RE: Duet wiring recommendations
- I will be using 12 gauge(Tinned Copper Stranding: #680/0.08mm) wire for heat bed, 110V/24V wiring. 18 gauge for everything else.
do NOT use tinned copper stranding, the solder will melt and cause problems!!!
Use ferrules instead! -
RE: DuetWifi clones in the wild
At least they are being "honest":
Based on the DuetWifi by Think3dPrint3d and Esher3d, see www.duet3d.com for the original DuetWifi information. This reproduction/modification is not endorsed or supported in any way by Think3dPrint3d or Escher3d"
The problem is that people are going to buy this (50€ price difference) and are going to end up here asking for support that they never paid for...
RE: Sell the D3d?
Sell the board, you are clearly not able to change your "Marlin" mindset.
Nothing to see here, carry on... -
RE: Web Control Password Not Functioning. Please Help!
That M551 line should be
M551 P"password"
currently you have
M551 P"password:
RE: Advice on Stepper Motor Specs
I am using the same motors on 2 printers (i3 clone and CoreXY), 1600mA, 24V, they run smoothly...
RE: Bad command: bed) after updating to latest firmware
*** Taking crystal ball ***
Check all your config files, I bet you are missing a ";" (semicolon) on some line that contains a comment with the word 'bed' (maybe you used used a ":" (colon) by mistake)
RE: X parallelism problem without explanation!
I have these: https://e3d-online.com/gates-powergripr-gt2-belt-6mm-x-100mm
It's genuine Gates and is not too expensive! -
RE: incorrect print time estimates (S3D), layer count etc
@phaedrux You have the power against these kind of people, the power of silence