Duet 3 Mini 5+ : Initial announcement
I love it!
It came out 4 month to late... I wish that this was on the market before I boght the Duet2 wifi for my CR10. -
The Duet2 Wifi will still serve you well, @Chriss -- it's not magically bad now that this board has been announced (-:
What are the drivers on this new duet 3 mini? Subscribe me for the testing when the board came out!
@weed2all said in Duet 3 Mini 5+ : Initial announcement:
What are the drivers
2209 if we are to believe rumours and source code (latter says 22xx).
Yes they are TMC2209.
@T3P3Tony great news
I would also want to participate into the testing
I've added provisional outline specifications of the Duet 3 Mini 5+ to https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/The_Duet_family_of_motion_control_electronics.
@dc42 said in Duet 3 Mini 5+ : Initial announcement:
I've added provisional outline specifications of the Duet 3 Mini 5+ to https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/The_Duet_family_of_motion_control_electronics.
This is a really nice comparison, thanks @dc42
@dc42 Very happy to see the shift to allow for using the Mini 12864 display, will it support the Neopixel backlight variants without a custom cable? Support of this display was the last bit missing for full support of the Voron 2.4!
I would be happy to buy a prototype of this board + the three stepper extension for beta testing so that a manual & example configuration for the Voron 2.4 can be ready as soon as it hits the market
@pixelpieper said in Duet 3 Mini 5+ : Initial announcement:
@dc42 Very happy to see the shift to allow for using the Mini 12864 display, will it support the Neopixel backlight variants without a custom cable?
That is the intention, however it's one of the few hardware features of the board that I haven't yet written the firmware support for.
That sounds cool. I was thinking of getting a maestro but then head they were discontinued. I’m glad there will be a product replacing it.
Will expansion board be available simultaneously with this one?
@Mosher We have prototypes of the expansion board as well and plan to have the production version them available for sale at the same time the production version of this board is available.
I am very excited by this announcement. Great work Duet!
@gregsaun nice to see you here!
That is the intention, however it's one of the few hardware features of the board that I haven't yet written the firmware support for.
@dc42 do you mean support for the Neopixel backlight specifically or the MiniPanel itself? Because you're welcome to use the code in my fork of RRF3 for the MiniPanel support. I've been using this build successfully for many weeks now. I suppose that even if the Mini 5+ hardware side changed a bit, my work could still save you some time.
BTW, I'm also interested in beta testing the new board. I have this 'gift' of being detail oriented and noticing issues. Also curious to find out if the TMC2209 drivers will better cooperate with my steppers compared to the TMC2224 drivers on my Maestro.
I can’t wait to test this baby!
I’m so excited to see how the TMC2209 perform compared to the TMC2260 with RRF. -
This will be instant on release purchase for me!
One more question: will GPIO14/15 on the SBC interface be wired to a UART on the µC? Seems like this is not the case in the moment for the Duet 3 but could be very useful for compatibility with Klipper.
@pixelpieper said in Duet 3 Mini 5+ : Initial announcement:
One more question: will GPIO14/15 on the SBC interface be wired to a UART on the µC? Seems like this is not the case in the moment for the Duet 3 but could be very useful for compatibility with Klipper.
No; but a UART is available on the IO1 connector.