Omg, I can’t believe it. I somehow managed to plug in EXP2 into the Duet 3 Mini 5+ reversed (it’s dark back there) and I also didn’t think I needed the M150 command. Fixed those and now it works.

Best posts made by blt3dp
RE: BigtreeTech MINI 12864 V1.0 - Duet 3 Mini 5+
RE: Duet 3 Mini 5+ and Loud Hiss from Z Motor
Well, LOL. I ended up cutting the leadscrew off of the "bad" motor and attached it to the other motor I had tested with. It's completely silent now.
RE: Multiple temp sensors report open when using resistor
I believe @droftarts was going down the correct path. Looks like you're running RRF 2.05.1 but the sensors/heaters excerpt you posted was for a RRF 3 config.
Try replacing your heaters section with this.
; Heaters M307 H0 B0 S1.00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limit M305 P0 T100000 B4138 R4700 ; set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0 M143 H0 S120 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 120C M305 P1 T100000 B4725 C7.060000e-8 R4700 ; set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1 M143 H1 S280 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 280C
Also 4138 for your bed thermistor is probably wrong.
RE: Voron-0 Display to Duet Mini 5+
@wayneosdias @jay_s_uk, I think we might be talking about different BTT screens. The one I'm using successfully, after tweaking the menu files to my liking is this one.
It's basically a standard non touch screen, 12864 display using a ST7567 controller
@R4ffers, thanks, looks like I'll be doing the upgrade to a v0.2, I'll probably tweak something to fit afterwards.
RE: Delta experts: feedback appreciated
@bartolomeus said in Delta experts: feedback appreciated:
@fcwilt said in Delta experts: feedback appreciated:
I wonder if you will be able to get the vertical extrusions square to the base and top.
Screws into the ends of the extrusions won't have much leverage.
Looking forward to your progress.
Same here. I am relying on the supplier of the extrusions that they are precisely cut and the same length.
Otoh, the 3 tower frame is only 5 parts (2 plates and 3 towers). My (upgraded) Anycubic Delta frame was made of 18 parts (6 corners, 3 towers, 9 horizontals) and it printed pretty good. I am hoping the lower part count and precisely machined parts will pay off.
These are the reasons why I went with 4060 on mine, because it has a wider base and instead of the screws being all on one dimension, they're on two.
I also got mine milled square by a machine shop. It's incredibly accurate when done right.
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
I'm having issues with this too. I think the documentation is lacking. I don't believe uploading stuff like new firmware applies to us anymore.
The documentation on github states:
You should also upload the new IAP file for your system. You will need it when upgrading firmware in future. These files are called Duet2CombinedIAP.bin, DuetMaestroIAP.bin, Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin (for Duet 3+SBC)
For the Duet and PI combination, you would believe that we should use Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin
But it's not one of the files in the releases.I had been told that the updated firmware is installed when you update the duetsoftwareframework package on the pi using the unstable branch on the package server (since it is RC)
Which did successfully update to the most current at the time, which was 3.0RC1
But now that RC2 is out, I'd like to update to it and when I go to update duetsoftwareframework it states it's already up to date.
I'd like cleared documentation on how to actually upgrade the firmware on a Duet+SBC machine.
For your issues, to get you a little closer,
SSH into your pi and and run these to get the unstable repository
wget -q wget -q sudo mv duet3d.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ sudo mv duet3d-unstable.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/duet3d.gpg sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duet3d-unstable.list
Then do
apt-get update apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework
Edit: in your original post
Instead of doing it via the web interface, maybe put it into that location on the pi directly?
RE: How to change something in file resurrect.g?
How are you testing? Manually pausing or pulling the power? If your pausing it, what you're looking for might be in pause.g pause.g
RE: Smart Effector separating heatsink fan from LEDs
Thanks, I did see that part of the schematic, just wanted to double check and see what i figured was correct.
RE: Here's my printable optical encoder wheel filament sensor!
I’ve been looking to add something like this to my printers for a while. I was wondering if maybe a non-printed wheel might improve things. Thinking it’d take out any potential inconsistencies that may exist using a printed part.
Maybe something like this? -
RE: Upgrading to RFF 3.0RC2 issues
Looks like @chrishamm just updated the packages on the unstable, I was able to get to 3.0RC2 by running:
apt-get update apt-get upgrade duetsoftwareframework
RE: Pressure advance doesn't affect the printed model
Could you post your entire config.g
Those steps per mm look kinda odd, only makes sense to me if you're running 1/8 microstepping. Though, seeing as it's lead screw driven, probably for the torque? For the extruder, I'd still set the microstepping to 1/16 and the steps per mm to around 837.
Could you also post the gcode that created that cylinder as well as tell us more about the machine? Motor details, types of rods/effector, etc.
RE: wanhao duplicator 9
If you send M503 to your current board before you do the swap, it may tell you most of the settings you'll need.
RE: Duet 3 wiring questions
I didn’t have to change the order of the pins. I did however have to crimp for new connectors.
RE: 3.5b3+MB6HC+Smart Effector Probe Triggering at Standstill
It's fixed, turned out it was my cabling. I must have tweaked it somehow when I installed the filament runout sensor. Crimped a whole new set for the 8 pin and is all good now.
RE: Not homed after print
I'd check the end gcode, if its doing something like turning the motors off, then the firmware can't be sure of it's position and will report not homed.
RE: Duet3 6HC unable to connect to SBC
@kengoodhope there doesn't happen to be an sd card in the new board is there?
RE: Config.g not run automatically. MB6HC 3.5.2 - SBC - Bookworm
I actually ended up reimaging the original sd card and doing the same manual recreation of the config files and it's been fine so far. I think more permissions or something when doing the image/sftp backup/restore originally.
RE: Hemera settings for Reprap Firmware?
@bearer said in Hemera settings for Reprap Firmware?:
i thought they outsourced it to the community
That's my point though, you know they're part of the community. You know they've performed tests, tweaked it and tuned it. They've already gotten fantastic prints out of it to show off at trade shows. They should come up with the settings that have worked best for them and publish them. At least those who just want it to work would have a starting point.
RE: Voron-0 Display to Duet Mini 5+
@jay_s_uk Thanks, I figured as much. I'm using a BTT Mini 12864 and it seems to work well. I just have to find/design custom mounting for it. I figured I would try and skip that by going with the "spec" screen.
RE: PanelDue Firmware 3.5.0-rc9 released
@mfs12 said in PanelDue Firmware 3.5.0-rc9 released:
Hey, i can't reproduce it. Everythng shows up as expected. Is there a problem with your folder structure on the sd card? do you have some unusual folder nesting?
Just wanted to come back around to this, i had updated to the 3.5.0 release and saw the same thing. I noticed something when using DWC to move a gcode to a folder, i got a permissions error. I ssh into my pi and checked the owner of everything in the gcodes, macros, and sys. Turns out that when I followed the instructions to update the os on the pi (involved backing up those items, imaging the sd card, and sftp the backed up files back) that those items took on the owner of the user i was connected through sftp with, which was pi. I went through gcodes, macros, and sys and did 'sudo chown dsf:dsf folderorfilename' and now everything is showing up normally for me in Panel Due