@ droftarts @deckingman Thank you for your input.
The main issue was that the cabling on my version of the LDO motor (which I bought in late 2022) is "unusual". On my YRBG (Yellow, Red, Blue, Green) cabeling, YR should be one pair and BG the other.
(Note that the colors of my LDO, do NOT match the colors used on the RevA spec sheet: https://www.bondtech.se/downloads/TDS/HT-LDO-36STH20-1004AHG(XH)-RevA.pdf !)
However, after using the short-out-a-pair method for establishing the pairs from here: https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Connecting_hardware/Motors_connecting it turns out that the two pairs in fact are GR and YB! The following mapping of the cables to the A+/A- B+/B- notation the Duet board uses seems to work:
A+ => Green A- => Red B+ => Yellow B- => Blue(Note: there maybe other valid mappings, this is just the first one I tried and it works for me)