For a new to duet 3 user the guides to updating firmware are very confusing. I start here and scroll down to "updating Duet 3 firmware which then tells me to go here if using an attached rpi . Here is where it starts getting fuzzy, everything on this page references the Duet 2. It talks about the do's and don'ts if you have this or that firmware. None of which is relevant to me since I have a Duet 3.
It then tells me to go to the general tab on the settings page in dwc. I go there where I'm told to press the upload files button, the problem is there is no upload files button on the general tab, there is an upload and start button which I'm pretty sure is for uploading a gcode file. There are then alternative methods to update firmware, but I'm thinking if what should be the simplest and easiest way to update is this complicated what will those other ways be like? The same goes for updating dwc, its confusing.
Hey I feel like a new user to a platform has an obligation to read all of the documentation to educate themselves which will lead them to the solution they are looking for. But I also feel that a manufacturer should write well written guides which address only the product in question and are easy to understand. I've looked for a good video on updating firmware on the Duet 3 but so far have not found one.
I don't mind asking a question on a forum now and then, that's what forums are for but well written documentation would eliminate many of these questions. Rant off, just frustrated.

Best posts made by luckyflyer
For a noob updating firmware on a Duet 3 is very confusing
RE: Why I went back to RRF2
You sound much more interested in convincing everyone that "you did the right thing" in reverting to RRF2, than in fixing the issue you ran into.
Maybe it's a bug. But, more likely, it is a mistake that you made.
Instead of telling us how everything you did was perfect, like Trump; post both config files and stop snapping at everyone who is spending their time trying to help you.
Why must we get political?? This is the Duet forum not facebook.
RE: Mesh comp question
With a little tweaking this is what I now have. Hopefully this will make consistent prints anywhere on the bed.
RE: New to Duet and Reprap with questions
Was able to get the temperature to display by editing the config.g file directly and rebooting.
RE: For a noob updating firmware on a Duet 3 is very confusing
Thanks, those 6 steps seems to have fixed it. going to stop for tonight while I'm ahead. Thanks again.
RE: For a noob updating firmware on a Duet 3 is very confusing
Ok, ran the above line and got what you did only twice, ran it twice just to be sure.
{e.exports=JSON.parse('{"a":"2.0.7"}')} {e.exports=JSON.parse('{"a":"2.0.7"}')}
It was all red like yours, so I don't understand why 2.0.7 is reverting back to 2.0.4 and should I even really care that it's not sticking. I suspect that I should because there may come a time when it will be necessary to update dwc to take advantage of additional features and or bug fixes.
And everyone thanks for helping me out, I'll get it, it may take awhile. -
RE: Help with M669 etc
Got to take about 1 hour break, Downs syndrome son requires we play games on Saturday night.
RE: Macro question
I saw that, going to take a 3d printer break for a few days, honey do's are piling up, will update after their done.
Printer hours
Would it be possible for DWC to display printer hours, kinda like an odometer for our printers?
RE: Need help installing ustreamer
My goodness, I can't believe my bloodshot eyes IT WORKS.
Loaded the changes, rebooted and popped up immediately.@bearer and @gtj0 I wish I could buy you guys your favorite beverage.
Thanks for staying with it till the end, I'm taking the rest of the day off. -
RE: Need help with piezo Z probe and Simplify 3d combination
Yes I know where to put starting and ending code.
You've told me enough that I should be able to get it from here.
Thanks again. ...........Mark -
RE: Request change to wiring diagrams
Never assume anything. In this case a multimeter is your friend.