Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.
@Dougal1957 thank you for confirmation.
I got a question about duet 3 and pi - is the code transfered to the duet before the print Job starts or is it controlled real time by the pi during the print?
@mundsen said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.:
I got a question about duet 3 and pi - is the code transfered to the duet before the print Job starts or is it controlled real time by the pi during the print?
It is controlled real time. This also allows to implement plug-ins to do arbitrary modifications while the print is in progress. For example I have implemented a first version of an Object Skipper, i.e. a plug-in that is given the information on how to identify a certain object in the GCode (many slicers put specific comments in the GCodes) and then will filter out any commands related to this object (or multiple).
This allows for a print to continue where you have multiple objects on the platform but printing fails for whatever reason for one of them.
I will probably release this early next week.
@wilriker said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.:Fur example I have implemented a first version of an Object Skipper
@gtj0 said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.:
Should the underside of the drivers and mosfets be completely soldered to the board or is there enough contact to dissipate the heat the way they are?
The connectors should be soldered, but not the thermal vias under the stepper drivers and mosfets.
So the partially filled vias are OK?
@gtj0 said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.:
So the partially filled vias are OK?
Will there be a variant that does not use a raspberry?
@Cata said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.:
Will there be a variant that does not use a raspberry?
The current 6HC board has an SD card slot and an ethernet port that allows you to use it in standalone mode.
@gtj0 Thanks, i re-read again the wiki and its fine for my use.
@Cata said in Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC - initial production run.:
@gtj0 Thanks, i re-read again the wiki and its fine for my use.
No worries. There was some talk about the boards not having the SD card holder or the ethernet jack populated at first so there was a little confusion.
For info, I've been running mine in "stand alone" mode without the RPi.
@T3P3Tony From the wiring diagram and from my testing it looks like the "reset" pin on the Duet3 has a pull-up resistor and is expecting to be pulled to ground for a reset. Can the pin be driven directly by an SBC GPIO? I.E. If I configure a GPIO as a simple active-low pin will the Duet3 be OK with 3.3v from the SBC also keeping it high?
@gtj0 yes that should work fine but i have not tested.
As the SBC and Duet will be powered from different 3.3V supplies, I recommend you use a resistor in series with the connection from the SBC. AFAIR the pullup on the Duet is 10K, so a 470R resistor should do.
@dc42 Good point, thanks.
Another power question: Should the "SBC -> 5V" power option be working? With only that jumper installed, the Duet3 won't power up using 5V on pins 2 and 4 of the 26 pin connector. I've verified that the voltage is there and if i connect pins 4 and 6 on the SBC to the 5V and GND pins on the ATX header things work fine (with no jumpers).
this is what tony
saidtold me earlier: (not sure if changed since)you need both fitted this is the schematic. Its actually that the protection is between the 5V_INT and 5V_EXT circuits, the 5V_EXT to the 5V_SBC is just a jumper that connects those two rails. What really should happen is the "SBC->5V*" jumper is fitted and the 5V_EN jumper is removed...