BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...
I can a spot a wind up when I see one. OP joined 28th at 17:30 then spent the next hour and half insulting anyone who tried to help. If this is such a big recurring problem, with multiple duet boards, how come we haven't seen any posts apart from this single thread?
@deckingman said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
I can a spot a wind up when I see one.
What is a "wind up"?
I'm not familiar with that phrase.
@fcwilt said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
@deckingman said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
I can a spot a wind up when I see one.
What is a "wind up"?
I'm not familiar with that phrase.
That is very difficult to explain to a non- native English speaker. A wind up can mean many things but In this context, the best explanation I can give is - to say or do something with the deliberate and sole purpose of annoying or angering other people.
@deckingman said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
That is very difficult to explain to a non- native English speaker. A wind up can mean many things but In this context, the best explanation I can give is - to say or do something with the deliberate and sole purpose of annoying or angering other people.
That sounds spot on.
Thanks for the explanation.
@kwad3d-0 post your config.g and response to M115, please. And what layout the printer is, eg Cartesian bedslinger, CoreXY, etc. I’d expect the probe is offset in Y axis, and your X carriage rotates around the x axis as it goes from one end to the other, causing probe to lift or drop relative to the nozzle.
Thanks for responding. Its a Core XY machine. The leveling performs just fine besides being off on one side consistently. I can see the Z motors adjusting as it progresses across the bed. The amount of lift is consistent enough that all I have to do after finishing a probe is reach down and clock the one Z motor one click and the desired affect is achieved. There may be a simpler solution as the only reason I have to re level is due to the bed being heavier then normal and drooping when the motors go to idle. So is it possible to simply adjust the idle current to provide more support to the bed between prints? Then the minor inconvenience of manually adjusting the one Z axis would only have to be done after the printer is shut down... which is only like once a month.
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@kwad3d-0 please, config.g, response to M115, and ideally the macro you’re running for bed levelling. Without these a useful answer is all but impossible. See points mentioned here
@droftarts Ok I will provide that info soon as I get back to the Office. Regardless I would like to increase the idle strength of the motors to prevent the bed droop between prints. Is that possible?
@kwad3d-0 said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
I would like to increase the idle strength of the motors to prevent the bed droop between prints. Is that possible?
Yes, it's possible.
Check the "I" parameter in your M906 configuration command.
If you post your config.g many of us can help you with that question.
Normally the deactivation of the motors will happen via the endcode of the slicer.... -
@diy-o-sphere said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
Normally the deactivation of the motors will happen via the endcode of the slicer....
Oh MAN, that's certainly a possibility.
I forgot I removed that from my Simplify3D profile.
Good catch. This is why we're all here.
@Kwad3D-0 You should also post a small but complete GCODE file so we can see the start and stop codes.
just a dumb question @Kwad3D-0
before you create your mesh bed do you perform only a Zhome or do you perform a G32 (if you confiogured your bed.g to perform a dual (or triple ? ) z bed levelling.
and do you also perform a G32 before you print ? (and of course both wioth the bed at print temp)personnaly i know that without a G32 i may have shifting in Zaxis cause of my left motor.
This is the only way to be sure that the reference is always the same.
and of course i cancel the mesh bed levelling at the beginning of the bed.gand as severall people asked: can you provide your config.g, bed.g and the gcode you use to create your meshbed and the one you use when you start to print something.
this way people will be able to helps you. thanks
@arnold_r_clark honnestly i'm sorry to says that but @Kwad3D-0 wasn't cool at all, because for me too his sentence was not clear at all and could mean severall things. and instead of trying to rephrase he just choose to attack the guy that tried to helps him because HE knows.... but if HE knows better what's he's talking about why do he asks the question ??
when you asks for help it's sometimes VERY VERY usefull to just rephrase to explain to someone else that tries to helps you because it can either help the other people to know exactly what you are saying ( and not everyone is english native langage don't forget that) either it can simply makes you thing another way and see the things differently and find yourself a solution to your problem.
but honnestly if a guy gives me this answer:
"If I have to explain what that meant then you obviously are not going to be of much assistance"
i jsut want to answer him ok then go f*** yourself and don't waste our time.and yes his sentence is crappy, the real one should be "the mesh generated got values that doesn't match the real position of the bed on the left (or right), they are offseted"
this sentence isn't ambiguous at all.
but he knows better and while people asked him (including @jay_s_uk who i think knows FAR FAR FAR better than him everything on how it works) to post his configuration, 5 days later he didn't.but honnestly after looking this thread more deeply i jsut regret my post just above where i try to helps him because he's just toxic. jays reaction was the good one leave him with his problem as he don't really want an answer but just tell that RRF is crappy and makes him loosing money.
@arnold_r_clark said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
As a Teacher I understand frustration when i see it .
As a person I see patronizing when I see it.
@zapta yeah his question is jsut an order, not even a thanks.
and wow a reputation of -11...didn't thought it was possible.
If you look hard, you will find another kwad3d profile.
Found this post from last year... @Phaedrux
Looked like it was easier to get blood from a stone... -
@paulhew yeah i thought he was toxic the second i saw there was two kwad3d
on the BLV FB page we had a same kind of guy complaining that he got a farm and things annoys him, and when we tried to explain to him he started be toxic. we explained him his behavior wasn't allowed and he quit the group of course not without telling we were just dumb guys that just play with toys while HE works. maybe he's the same guy -
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@arnold_r_clark said in BL Touch Issues... Again and Again...:
The superciliousness is very strong here I see.
I must thank you all very much for reminding me why I dont use this forum very much.
Think of all the dictionary searches you could generate.