Can you please help me understanding how the error status bits are output when there is a driver warning or error based on the trinamic driver datasheet ?
I cannot really understand the values. For example 26th bit is high means Overtemp pre warning flag. What would be the output status from Duet?.
Posts made by Alva
Driver error status bits
RE: Multiple motion system
@dc42 It seems to be working. I have tried all the above conditions and works as intended. Can i expect the same fix for Duet3 6HC board as well, as i observed the same behavior in it as well. Thank you
RE: Movement halted because of step timing [version 3.6.0-beta.1]
@dc42 I have tried beta2 and same error happened. I think you are already working on it. I have another topic on multiple motion system active now. Thank you .
RE: Multiple motion system
@Alva Looks like it is a timing problem or something.
RE: Multiple motion system
@dc42 I have edited the code and logic a bit. Found different cases:
; File Name: /sys/daemon.g if(!exists(global.daemonStop)) global daemonStop = false ; Set to 1 to stop the daemon.g, it can be use to upload a new daemon.g file while( global.daemonStop == false ) if(state.status== "processing") G91 M596 P1 G1 U5 F300 M596 G4 P0 M99; Exit
This happened when i activated the daemon before the move to X0 Y0. But if i activate the daemon after that then it works perfectly. Cannot relate whats going on.set global.daemonStop = true ; stopped the daemon M118 S{"starting to move"} G90 G1 X0 Y0 M400 S1 G91 set global.daemonStop = false ; activated the daemon which only use U axis G1 X100 Y100 F200 M400 S1 G90 M118 S{"move done"} M99
RE: Multiple motion system
@Alva Looks like there was a mistake in the 3.6.0.beta2 release and David updated the new one today. I will try out that one.
RE: Multiple motion system
- daemon(2).g
- mini(1).gcode
Hello , i have updated the machine to 3.6.0.beta2 and tried a simple logic as seen in the mini-1.gcode which is attached. while it starts the print i manually set the flag to enable the daemon.g and the daemon.g is also attached. And the same error occurred again. Do you think there is something wrong with the way that i understood the second motion system? or am i doing something wrong? weird that my logic worked in 3.5. fw version.
Please let me know. Thank you.
RE: Multiple motion system
@gloomyandy Okay, I will wait for the release then. Thank you
RE: Multiple motion system
@gloomyandy Hello ,
Sorry for the late reply. Was on vacation for few days. I have continued the "experiment". Ignore the number of extruder drivers i had above. I rewired and reconfigured everything to the very simple set up. I have a Duet 3 mini 5+ board with CAN expansion motor board and a tool board. I have X;Y;Z set up via the motor board and the tool axes from the tool board. I have a stepper motor connected to the mini board and i configured it as U axis. It is just for the experimental set up. (My intended use is to load filament in the other tool while the machine is printing). So the U axis is my fake tool for example. I am just experimenting before i want to really implement it.
My findings so far.:- With the firmware version 3.5.3 , it is working.
- With the firmware version 3.6.0.beta1 i am getting the error that i reported before.
daemon(1).g config(3).g .
Thank you .
RE: Multiple motion system
@Alva I tried another test, while the machine was printing i trigerred daemon with a flag global.called and created the condition when global.called= true to select the second motion system and move the W axis. then the axes moved to the Y max and crashed and machine still remains in the printing state doing nothing.
RE: Multiple motion system
@gloomyandy i am just setting the led strip colors of the corresponding active tool and moving the u or w axes based on which tool is activated to its minimum position
RE: Movement halted because of step timing [version 3.6.0-beta.1]
the same ocurred to me but it happened when i was experimenting with the second motion system. While the machine was printing , i wanted to move the unused axes. i have trigerred a flag in daemon.g to select the next motion system and move W axes and machine started moving to a different place and stopped. and the machine is still in printing state
RE: Multiple motion system
@droftarts Is there any way to print back the axes used by the motion systems? I have tried the sample code that you have sent me above and it resulted in the error as shown in the figure below.
. I tested the above piece of code as a macro. In my system i have X, Y, Z, U , W axes and tool 0 is moved by u and tool 1 by w axes.echo "start testing 2nd motion system" T0 G1 X100 Y100 Z25 E0.1 F1000 G1 X110 Y100 E0.1 F1000 M596 P1 ; selects the second motion system T1 ; select tool (set temperature changes from standby to active temperature) M568 P1 S200 R200 ; wait for temperature to be reached G1 E5 F1000 ; prime extruder M596 P0 ; change back to first motion system, while the above happens G1 X120 Y100 E0.1 F1000 M400 ; wait until motion stops, release owned axes and extruders from motion systems T1 ; first motion system takes over T1, parking T0. echo "done testing 2nd motion system"
Line number 6 is selection of the tool and is clearly not X axis.
Multiple motion system
I am trying to experiment with the second motion system. I was reading the whole documentation about the second motion system and couldn't really understand how to assign the unused axes to the second motion system. Can someone please help me understanding the concept? How do i map the unused axes to the second motion system? Thank youM596 P1 ; selects the second motion system.
I want to somehow maps the unused tool to the second motion system