Multiple motion system
@dc42 Thank you. I will try it out and let you know the status.
@dc42 g binary "0:/firmware/Duet3_SDiap32_MB6HC.bin" not found , in the drop box this file is not available
@Alva Get the "Duet3_SDiap32_MB6HC.bin" file individually from here:
Otherwise it's in the zip file download in most releases, eg in "" here
@droftarts thank you. got it.
@Alva Tested the second motion system with the new version 3.6.0.beta2 + 5, but i am getting the error shows in the picture below:
tried gcode :
set global.daemonStop = true ; stopped the daemon M118 S{"starting to move"} G90 set global.daemonStop = false ; activated the daemon which only use U axis G1 X0 Y0 M400 S1 G91 G1 X100 Y100 F200 M400 S1 G90 M118 S{"move done"} M99
daemon.g :
; File Name: /sys/daemon.g if(!exists(global.daemonStop)) global daemonStop = false ; Set to 1 to stop the daemon.g, it can be use to upload a new daemon.g file while( global.daemonStop == false ) if(state.status== "processing") G91 M596 P1 G1 U5 F300 M596 G4 P0 M99; Exit; File Name: /sys/daemon.g
@Alva U axis was trying to use only in the second motion system. so motion system 0 and motion system 1 are not able to execute simultaneously.
@Alva i have tried the same with the 3.6.0.beta2 +3 it worked as intended
@Alva We're going to release 3.6.0-beta.3 in a couple of days, please retest when we release that.
@droftarts Sure will do. Thank you.
@Alva it's released:
Testing is appreciated
My understanding of the dual gcode stream is: you can open two gcode files at the same time and have a daemon.g running in the background?
At the same time you'd have to split the config.g into two portions.
Maybe put the U-axis specific lines in the startcode of the second stream?