@o_lampe Interesting - I hadn't thought about firmware retraction - its turned off in my printer profile - but if I turn it on - I get this as a typical sequence
G10 ; retract
G1 X140.121 Y84.188 E-.24
M486 S-1
M486 S1
G1 Z.6 F15000
G1 X152.303 Y279.456 Z.6
G1 Z.2
G11 ; unretract
I've created my own ZHOP command - M800 - I guess I could use being inside a G10/G11 pair to know to change the Z moves to my M800 commands.
I will also try just commenting out the Z moves (or turning off Z Hopping in the slicer), and try setting the Z axis to my B/C axis in the M563 tool definition as you suggest- and then specify Z Movement in my M207 to see what happens.
Will also try turning on meshing with my BC axis defined as Z to see if it does any auto adjustments using my axis, rather than the proper Z Axis.