Hello there.
Please take a look at the photo, This is a photo I printed with my printer, this is aprox 400 mm from the bed.
My printer has two 12mm diameter rods to keep the bed right position up and down.
I guess, this unevenness is caused by the displacement of the bed.
Are there any bod who tried rods, linear guide etc for Z axis and which one is the best ?

Posts made by Hiroaki
How to improve Z-Axis accuracy.
wifi module problem.
Re: Wifi get disconnected when trying to connect by DWC
Long time ago I made a little problem with the wifi module on my Duet2wifi.
(I did something like short circuit)
At that time I did following according somebody's advise.You can reflash the wifi server firmware with M997 S1
You can clear all saved wireless networks with M588 S"*"
And readd your network with M587It got back to OK, at that moment, for a while I didn't use the printer and now turned the switch on and found that the wifi module is BAD again.
Again I tried the same way but this time when I did M588 S"*", the error
"Failed to reset the WiFy module to factory setting.
Does this mean, the wifi module is really broken ?
Please help. -
BL touch settings on Reprap configurator.
Please help.
I am just now trying to change my 3D printer from Duet2wifi to Duet3.
And having a question to set BL touch on the board 121 in Reprap configurator.
Could someone tell me the setting for these three vales?
Thank you. -
RE: Wiring diagram between Duet3 6HC and 1LC
@t3p3tony Hello. I appriciate it.
RE: Wiring diagram between Duet3 6HC and 1LC
Sorry I would have put, the connection is reversed.
Wiring diagram between Duet3 6HC and 1LC
I have just found that the CAN connection (RED and Black)in this picture is reversed...!
Good point of using SBC(such as Raspbery PI )with duet3?
Hello There.
Now I am changing the board from Duet2wifi to Duet3, I am just wondering what is the advantage of using a SBC with it .
Can somebody list the good points and maybe bad points ? -
RE: Wifi get disconnected when trying to connect by DWC
@phaedrux Hello Thank you so much ! I will do it.
Wifi get disconnected when trying to connect by DWC
Hello there. One of my 3D printers working with a Duet2wifi Firmware version 2.05 always gets wifi disconnected in a few seconds.
I remember that long time ago I short circuited or did something not nice to the main board. Since that time the wifi module has been not very good.
I remember I found somewhere in this forum or main website of Duet, how to totally reset the wifi module, but I have tried to find it many times and still not possible to find it.
If someone knows where it was or how to deeply reset wifi module please let me know.
Very Best Regards -
RE: CoreXY or Cartesian which is better ?
@maxgyver Hello.
Thank you for your advise. It’s very helpful !!! -
RE: Installation difference of The firmwares to Duet2 and Duet3
@hiroaki I can't get what it was, but now I could do it. Thank you.
But still wonder what the "Duet3_SDiap32_MB6HC.bin" is for... -
Installation difference of The firmwares to Duet2 and Duet3
Hello there.
I am now trying to put a new Duet3 board to my printer, and already having a problem.
I remember that after just I installed the firmware to Duet2wifi board, Something like "Duet2wifi" was shown at "PORT" in device manager.On the other hand After installing the firmware to my Duet3 board, it is still "Bossa Program port."
I tried to send M115 to the board through YAT, but no answer comes back.
I tried for three or four times but the results are the same.
The firmware I have installed is "Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin", I have also tried "Duet3_SDiap32_MB6HC.bin". (I think the first one is the right one, and don't know what the second one is for...)
As I read that the USB cable is also important, so I tried two cables. (No error occurred)
Seems that I am completely somewhere wrong...
Please help me!
RE: CoreXY or Cartesian which is better ?
@tinken Hello No no, My question is the length for one rev of the screw....
RE: CoreXY or Cartesian which is better ?
@tinken I see, how much is the lead ?
RE: CoreXY or Cartesian which is better ?
@mrehorstdmd I understand! Thank you!
RE: [solved] strong vibration with pressure advance
@giostark How about the belt tension ? It seems the head goes too much due to the belt loosness.
RE: CoreXY or Cartesian which is better ?
@fcwilt I have thought about to make one with lead screws(or ball screws) . But when I calculate the travel speed between belt drive and screw drive, and also wear out of the screws, I gave up making one. What is the lead of screws of yours? I feel that with the belt drive, it goes too much and with leadscrews it goes too small....