Until the documentation is complete, here are two suggestions.
Suggestion 1: use M409 to enumerate all kayes.
Send M409 F"v". That will return a list of the root keys in "result".
For each root key, send M409 K"xxx" F"v" where xx is the key. That will return the whole subtree in "result". Paste it into
https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer to make it easier to navigate.
Ask about any keys that you find in the response that you need further information about.
Note, some keys are only present when the printer is in a certain state, for example printing from SD card.
Suggestion 2: get the information fro the DSF documentation.
Go to
https://github.com/chrishamm/DuetSoftwareFramework and clone it to your machine
Navigate to and open docs/index.html in that tree
Follow the link to DuetAPI, then expand DuetAPI.Machine, then click on MachineModel. You will find all the keys listed under Properties. A few of them (e.g. HttpEndpoints and UserSessions) exist in DSF only, not in RRF.