@T3P3Tony Here's a PDF I made that should help with what the "I" value should be for the toolboard, based on how it's oriented. Hope it helps.

Best posts made by Nuramori
RE: Announcement: Duet 3 Toolboard revision v1.1
RE: nozzle wipe
One thing I did was collect all the old and torn silicone socks I had lying around and made a wipe.
I just sliced off the sides and kept the face, then alternated them with washers. Used RTV on the bottom to bind them.
RE: PT100 with a Duet-3-6HC & Tool-Board-LC1 ?
@JayJay said in PT100 with a Duet-3-6HC & Tool-Board-LC1 ?:
@Veti said in PT100 with a Duet-3-6HC & Tool-Board-LC1 ?:
i would suggest getting a pt1000 sensor
Thats not happening, if the supposed best control board cant accept an analog input from a P100 amplifier thats a pretty poor show.
I would rather rip out the Duet-3 , install the 32bit GTR PRO V1.0 and run Klipper/Octoprint with the dwc2-for-klipper-socket, a board I know is going to accept an analog signal.
The way you've responded comes off more as a troll than someone with an actual issue. So I'm clear, you're asking (demanding) that the TOOLBOARD support a PT100 sensor, but if it can't and won't, you're going to rip it out, buy new hardware, and HAVE to route wires from the head to the main board anyway, something that was a plausible solution with using the Duet3. You then say you're not willing to use a PT1000 because you'd have to buy additional hardware, and wait for it's delivery, so instead, that too is why you'd rip out a Duet3 and buy (and wait) for an entire new controller and hardware. Because why spend more money when you have parts.
I wanted to make sure I understand this logic.
RE: Input Shapers: 2HUMP_EI & 3HUMP_EI + Auto Tuning
@dc42 any chance that a future version of the toolboard could/would have the accelerometer baked into it, or an expansion header to work with say the adafruit board?
RE: Reboots/resets randomly - RRF 3.5.0-b4
I had a reset as well, this one ANOTHER out of memory fault tied to the tool-board/CAN bus.
It's at the point I can't do any large prints without the machine resetting half way through and wasting filament. Incredibly frustrating when you have it running 1-2 days only to quit on you before it finishes.
RE: How will Duet Software Framework Differ from Octoprint? Plugins
The one thing that I used quite often and rely on for several reasons was the gviewer in octoprint. I have seen the fork of the viewer that has been done by someone who's name I can't remember at the moment, but it's not the same tool as in octoprint. It may seem to get relegated as a nonsense or convenience tool at times on the forum here, but the combination of slider to view future layer pathing, and also (near) real time indication of what the print head is doing and intended to do has saved my prints and lowered my blood pressure more often than not. Even if a DWC plugin that would mimic that as close as possible would be fantastic - the code is open, and iirc in python. If there's a plug-in API, I would even try and migrate that somehow. Personally I'd love to see it as part of DWC.
RE: Duet3 Neopixel Wiring
I have mine working on my BLV with the duet3. It’s actually easier than it was with the duet2. I can share details and pictures in a bit if you’re interested.
RE: Are there genuine Duet2 wifi's in stock anywhere?
@damaged_goods I’m in the US, and have my “old” duet2 and duex5 that I swapped out for a duet3. It’s in perfect condition and was used for only about 4-6 months. I upgraded to the duet3 so I had less complexity with the one board vs needing two.
It’s a genuine board, and was purchased from filastruder (I’m 20 minutes from them). Let me know if you’re interested. I have it lying around, thinking I’d use it to upgrade an old printer, but it’s just collecting dust.
RE: 3D GCode Viewer integrated with DWC
This is the only thing I was missing from octoprint. Having the gcode viewer would close the door on my need for it. .
RE: What are the next major 3d printing developments?
I’m excited to see development in non-planar technology, especially for my industry (architecture/design).
RE: resettable odometer feature/function?
Sorry about that. I messed up on the catagory selection.
Looking over my Misumi rails, there's a recommended amount of cumulative movement distance before lubricating. It made me think how would I even know that, then figured that may be a nice and useful feature to have as part of an overall printer utility. This way I can review the aggregate distance traveled by a rail guide, and lubricate accordingly. Maybe even have an editable trigger value that then sends a custom reminder message upon start of the machine or a print.
RE: Paneldue will not get past "connecting"
I got it fixed.
A stray strand of copper (I assume from when I was making my connections I didn't get all my cut strands cleaned up) had lodged under the connector housing, and likely shorting something. I didn't see it until I started looking at the solder joints with a magnifying glass.
RE: Issues powering up with DUEX5 connected to Duet2 crashing
ok, I split the difference and put a 2.49k pullup resistor between 3.3v and the stop. all is well now!
Thanks to everyone.
RE: What are the next major 3d printing developments?
@fcwilt I use jawstec for MJf printing certain things, but I would kill for a home version of the technology.
Maybe if I win the lottery I’ll splurge and get a 600k MJF setup
RE: resettable odometer feature/function?
@Danal I’d want to know cumulatively how many meters of travel the carriage/axis has moved, I would assume as a factor of step count, so that lubrication reminders or milestones can be monitored. Carriages usually have recommended lubrication based on distance.
RE: PanelDue on the Duet3 Board
@Kiwi3D I have used it on both, but at the moment it’s on my duet3 with a pi4
RE: Paneldue 5i says "connecting" but never does...
I just flashed the update, and now it works fine. Odd, but I'll take it.
RE: Thermocouple configure in RR3
So you'll need to change the M305 command to something like:
M307 H0 A___ C___ D____ V____ B0 ; change the values after running a PID autotune
M308 S0 P"spi.cs1" Y"thermocouple-max31856" K"c" ; Configure the bed temp sensor. This is the equivalent to your old one, assuming you're using the daughterboard on the duet and not on an expansion board.
M143 H0 S120 ; limit the bed temp
M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; define the bed heater and bind the sensor we configured above to it.The M950 have to come after the sensor is first configured.
RE: Resolution of Trigger-height in G30 and G31
Just fix the mismatch considering the shown and saved values regarding G30 and G31.
I’m just a bystander without a horse in this race, and even I find this an incredibly rude approach to getting resolution or information to your question/issue.
Maybe it’s a language barrier, but you may want to consider how the tone comes across.