@SANJR Yes they can. You'll have test them to see what the minimum speed you can run them at. For some you have run them at max speed for a second before you can run them at a low speed.

Posts made by Stephen6309
RE: Your Neopixel action
@Proschi78 I used to show if the hotend and bed is above 40C in daemon.g. I use a 8 led adafruit neopixel.
; dameon.g while global.RunDaemon ; set to true in config.g G4 P500 ; 500ms delay if heat.heaters[1].current > 40 ; temp M150 R255 P10 S4 F1 ; set right 4 red, and done elif heat.heaters[1].current <= 40 M150 U255 P10 S4 F1 ; set right 4 green and done if heat.heaters[0].current > 40 ; temp M150 R255 P10 S4 F0 ; set left 4 red elif heat.heaters[0].current <= 40 M150 U255 P10 S4 F0 ; set left 4 green
RE: how do i close the Damon file so i can edit it
@moth4017 I inclose mine within a while loop:
Set global.RunDaemon to true in config.g.In deamon.g:
while global.RunDaemon
; stuff goes hereI have macros to set while RunDaemon true or false (on/off)
It's better than the rename method, since my keyboard likes to misspell words.
RE: duetcontrolserver 100% CPU
@cthulhulabs I use these on my 5vdc power supply: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081JGZK14 and a usb cable to the PI.
RE: duetcontrolserver 100% CPU
@cthulhulabs With the 6HC off, the Pi will try multiple times to connect to the Duet.
RE: Filament Frenzy script used on prusa slicer scratch bed
@gabi68 Do you have the correct Z offset in your G31?
RE: Indusctive z probe error
@tinchus To make sure the printer is homed. I also have this in start.g, so it shouldn't run in G32 during a print, but the G28 Z is in there, since the bed is heated up before running G32 and G29/mesh.g for a print. It also allows testing of the G32 without additional steps.
RE: Indusctive z probe error
@tinchus Make sure you home Z before leveling, that should get rid of the warning about the Z offset.
Here's my bed.g:
; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 M561 ; clear any bed transform while iterations < #move.axes & move.axes[iterations].visible if !move.axes[iterations].homed G28 break G28 Z ; home Z for Z0 M290 R0 S0 ; clear baby stepping G30 P0 X10 Y150 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis G30 P1 X275 Y150 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
RE: HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?
@fusedeep On the duet, do you have a SSID/password set up for the wifi connection and does that work?
RE: deployprobe.g for Euclid not running
@adamfilip I use this code to check homing:
while iterations < #move.axes & move.axes[iterations].visible if !move.axes[iterations].homed G28 break
RE: HELP! Can't log in to both machinesWIFI passwords!?
@fusedeep Can you go to a web page, like www.google.com? Are you sure the laptop is logged in to the WiFi?
RE: New issue after upgrading firmware to 3.4.1
@bramerrf Put them in stop.g, which is called by M0.
For example, I use this in stop.g
; stop.g ; called when M0 (Stop) is run (e.g. when a print from SD card is cancelled) M591 D0 S0 ; turn off filament monitor M98 P"/macros/EnableHoming" M568 P0 A0 ; turn off hotend M140 H0 S-274 ; turn off bed M107 ; turn off parts fan G90 ; absolute positioning M84 ; turn off motors
RE: Loud Alarm Buzzer for Filament Runout
@bubblevisor Get a loud buzzer, and use a relay off an IO port.
Relay module (24v) : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077ZLC78L
If you search 24v buzzers on Amazom, there are 100DB versions. -
RE: Prusa slicer speed not following my settings
@mikeabuilder CheckPrinter Settings->Machine Limits->How to apply limits.
If set to Emit to GCode, the PrusaSlicer will set them in the sliced gcode. The other two won't do that. -
RE: Adjusting Z-offset in config?
@westech Increasing the Z offset gets it closer to the bed, decreasing is farther away. I added this as a comment the the G31, so I wouldn't forget.
RE: First time cura and my problem
@jamaicarasta I use this SuperSlicer start gcode, thought it would help.
T-1 ; deselect tool, tool to standby temp M1000 Q"[filament_type]" ;custom M gcode to set G31 Z offset for filament_type G10 P0 S[first_layer_temperature] R140 M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] M98 P"/macros/EnableHoming" G32 ; bed calibration G29 ; bed mesh M98 P"/macros/DisableHoming" T0 ; select T0 and go to active temp M116 ; wait for temp G1 E6 ; extrude a bit
/sys/M1000.g, sets the G31 Z offset and retraction:
; M1000 Q"[filament_type]" echo "Set G31 Z offset for ",param.Q if param.Q == "PETG" M98 P"/sys/PETGOffset.g" elif param.Q == "PLA" M98 P"/sys/PLAOffset.g" elif param.Q == "TPU" M98 P"/sys/TPUOffset.g"
RE: Fine editor for working with Duet boards
@deckingman My first computer: Timex-Sinclair ZX81, then got a Color Computer 2 16k, upgraded to 64k and extended basic , floppy drive , multipak interface, use Microware's OS9 Level One.
Then got a Color Computer 3, upgrade 512k, DISTO floppy controller, and Microware's OS9 Level Two, then got a SuperIDE interface, now using NitrOS9. Still have them. -
RE: Extruder found
@daniel-armstrong Make sure DWC and the firmware are on the same version.
Your missing the M584, you need it to define the stepper drives used.
I used M584 X0 Y1 Z2 E3 with my Duet 2.
X is drive 0
Y is drive 1
Z is drive 2
Extruder is drive 3 -
RE: First time cura and my problem
@jamaicarasta You'll have to check the documetation, Cura may use different variable names.
Make sure it was copied fully.