Hello all, I just wanted to let any who is interested know that Autodesk has updated their post processor, available to download on their site, to include the G2/G3 commands.

Best posts made by baird1fa
RepRap post on autodesk site
RE: Help with heated bed config
Not related to 3D printers but I regularly heat large metal tubes at work and use many heaters. Up to 40 on a system and each one controlled independently. Each heater does have an effect on the others but usually it is minimal.
It might be a good idea to do that but it may also complicate the slicing setup.
I’m not sure if that was helpful or not.
RE: Automatically setting M558 Z value
@Phaedrux well I was able to get the bed cleared off and run my G32 (bed.g) which I added a link to my macro and after the macro I added the M500 P31 in the bed.g and that saved the offsets correctly. So that gets me a work around.
RE: Help with heated bed config
Luckily you are using thermocouples. If you wire them all together the actual voltage signal will average out. So if you just take all the +ve leads and connect together on the same +ve terminal and take the -ve leads to the same -terminal it will average out the three sensor readings. Its a pretty old school trick.
good luck.
RE: External driver wiring to Duet 2 breakout board
I think I just replied to your other post. But you can use the outputs, basically they are a switch so just ware an input and a ground to the alarm terminals on the driver. Then you need to setup a trigger (M581) for those inputs along with the action to take. You can run a macro or a pause or an estop.
RE: PWM to 10V via e0heater always gives 10V
I just wired up one of these and it works too.One thing to note is that using less than 3000hz seems to result in the generation of a 0-10v signal that the VFD sees as oscillating and then it changes frequencies a lot. It ramps up and down 10’s of hertz.
RE: BLTOUCH probing
It will likely be in this part of your config.g file.
G31 P25 X-31 Y0 Z0.6 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height M557 X20:215 Y20:215 S64 ; define mesh grid
Likely the X-31 is no longer accurate. With the probably area being X20-215 and a -31 offset it could still probe 11mm off the bed (I think). But those are the parameters that you need to adjust to get the probe back on the bed.
RE: Vary Frequency in PWM output instead of duty cycle.
what you are looking for is not PWM (pulse width modulation) you want FM (Frequency Modulation). I would suspect that the duet is not setup to use FM as it is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation. As Bearer said you can change the base frequency of the PWM and if you set the PWM to 50% and then changed the base frequency it might work to act like frequency modulation, but i doubt it. Give it a try, it can't hurt.
I do believe you can buy conversion hardware that will take a PWM signal and convert it to an FM signal.
RE: Duet 3 rrf 3 BLTouch
@Phaedrux maybe he has the same issue I had and it is interference with his stepper motors. It possible it was working for testing then he tried to print and now it doesn’t work? We can only guess.
@mrenz999 Try sending an M18 E0 command before you attempt to use the probe.
RE: The ULTIMATE RepRap Post-Processor for Fusion 360
I have managed to fix the G2-G3 issue with this post (or at least is was an issue for me)
there is a piece missing after allowedHelicalMove = true; which should be allowedCircularPlanes = undefined;
Then under // circular output all the i, j, and k variables are forced false that needs to be replaced with
// circular output
falsevar iOutput = createReferenceVariable({ prefix: "I"}, xyzFormat);
falsevar jOutput = createReferenceVariable({ prefix: "J"}, xyzFormat);
falsevar kOutput = createReferenceVariable({ prefix: "K"}, xyzFormat);
falseand that should give you G2 and G3 movements. I haven't tested the Gcode yet but at least circular movements are arcs and not thousands of segments.
RE: Broken or choppy movements
@Phaedrux Yep that is exactly what was going on. Thanks so much for your help. It was set at 12mm/min. I increased it to 120mm/min and now I have smooth rapid movements.
RE: Extruder retraction at end of print
The reason that was happening it is was telling it to go to extruder position 2 from wherever it last was. If it is using absolute moves then that could be position 10000 or some other large number.
Looking at the GCode that S3D generates it seems to use absolute positions but every feature or so it sends an G92 E0 which essentially resets the counter.
Another way to do your end script would be to
G92 E0
G1 E-2 -
RE: Duet 3 rrf 3 BLTouch
@mrenz999 If you could post your Config.g that would help diagnose your issue. Also your homez.g and homeall.g if they use the BLTouch for homing.
RE: G53 vs G54 issue
@chrishamm My Bad I forgot to update the DWC and only updated the firmware. Thanks for the help.
RE: unable to connect to duet 2 wifi
@T3P3Tony The issue seems to have resolved itself. I connected it via USB and ran the M552 and M587 commands and could see that it was connected. I then powered it up normally and I would stay connected. I think there must have been an issue with too many devices connected to the wifi or an issue with IP address assignments. but it seems to be fine now.
RE: Mesh bed leveling Help (new to duet)
I used to have my home call in my config.g but I was advised to not do that. So I have removed it. I just put the G30 and G29 in my starting script for my slicer. I also usually home at the start of my print files.
I was able to write a macro to actually use the stall detection to automatically calculate the probe trigger height. So I may change how I do a few things now too. But I literally figured that out last night so I haven’t really had a chance to figure out how I’ll implement it.
RE: bltouch 3.1duet 2 wifi duex5 firmware version v3.1.3
You don’t have a z probe configured. You should follow the guides for duet z probes. Google duet zprobes. There is a good guide that will help.
RE: extracting the machine unit from object model
@baird1fa I think I found the solution. It looks like the G20 and G21 are only changed temporarily when called inside of a macro and revert back once the macro is completed.
RE: How to increase z travel during mesh leveling
@lukas-aurarum try adjusting the H value in you M558 command that sets up the probe. I think default is 5mm. The z axis will travel an equal distance in the negative direction as the H value. So it will move 10mm before it gives up with the default of 5mm.
RE: Pretty much at my wit's end
I personally like glue stick as it give a release agent also. You can wash the glue stick away from between the part and the bed.