Hi everybody, I need help. I am trying to implement coolstep feature (I have DUET 3 and firmware 3.0). I am sending a command e.g. M915 X T32904 (I tried little/big - endian) and there is no change in log - still coolstep is 0 - and the motor sound is also the proof - my parameter S (stallguard) is well set - about 300 with no load (bigger stepper is set for 600 with no load). My answer is - is it impelentet for TMC516x and duet 3? with firmware 3.0? Because - sending a command e.g. M915 X T99505454 - return no error etc. and after many tries (combination from tmc datasheet) - there is still no change and coolstep is in the log 0. Please @dc42 , could you provide en example of setting a coolstep command? Thanks for any help