Before I got my Delta Smart Effector, I was using a modified version of this Thing:
As delivered, it has 20x20 screw spacing; but I had to modify it for 20x16 spacing to attach to the sliders I'm using, which I accomplished by editing the "for (y = [-10, 10])" line to "for (y = [-3, 13])". I made a few other tweaks, too.
When I got my Smart Effector, I needed to change the ball stud spacing to 55mm, which is done via the rodSeparation and ballStudDistance variables (they're semi-redundant). I'm now using my modified version of this Thing with my Smart Effector, without the carriage pieces provided with the Smart Effector. This seems to work fine – or at least, as well as can be expected. (There's a bit too much play in my carriage, and printing parts like these, rather than using manufactured parts, might be a contributing factor.)
In any event, you should be able to make similar changes, just with a tiny change for 20x15 spacing. If you're not comfortable with OpenSCAD, I could do this for you and send you the files; PM me if you want this. Note that I can't promise how whatever I produce would mate with your slider; it might be awkwardly high or low. If you do it yourself, you can adjust the y range in that "for" statement to get it to fit the way you want.