@droftarts there's always a possibility but they are two independent runs straight back to the board, I have checked the cable for short but not between theater and fan.
Optional parameters 'S' (temperature in oC at which the specified Z parameter is correct, default is current temperature) and 'C' (temperature coefficient of Z parameter in mm/oC, default zero) can be set. This is useful for probes that are affected by temperature. In RRF2 the bed temperature reading is used. In RRF3 you must specify which temperature sensor to use in the H parameter.
I am using a PI3 but none the less you theory still works with the pi disconnected and no SD card in the duet i still get power guess its an email to oozenet for a replacement ..
If you have a copy of the CR10S Marlin configuration, you can get the stock settings from there. Be aware that Marlin defines things in mm/second, which RepRapFirmware uses mm/minute.