By both conductors, do you mean the two wires to each pole? Do I need to calculate a "return-trip" voltage drop? I believe the calculator I used is not intended for stepper motors specifically, so I'm not sure if it considers any special circumstances present in the use of stepper motors (which, clearly, I'm unaware of).
Hmm, could anybody test pausing for me on a recent firmware build? During a print (that you don't mind discarding for testing purposes) can you pause the print… wait a few minutes... resume... let the print go on for a few minutes, pause, wait a few more, then resume, and tell me if the head crashes or attempts to move to some odd location? I'm in the middle of some important prints, and I've found a firmware build that is stable for me, hence why I haven't updated in ages. Otherwise, I'd update and try it myself.
Currently there is no support for variables in GCode commands, or conditional commands or looping; but adding all of these is under consideration.
This is interesting to me. I think it could aid in keeping machines more Gcode agnostic. As part of a response to a question about getting the machine to wipe the tool head off, I detailed how I currently go about getting Kisslicer and RRF to work together so that I don't have to remember nearly as many details about settings:
M587 is about configuring access point details, therefore it is supported on the Duet WiFi only.
To make your Duet Ethernet enable networking automatically, use command M552 S1 in config.g.
As detailed in the upgrade notes, the MAC address of the Duet will have changed with upgrading to 1.19, therefore any IP address reservation you made for the Duet in the router will need to be altered.
I assume your answer is made to "Mehrfachsteckdose".
But you have not told us anything how long the printer was used in that timeframe, if you use the Heatbed always, how long the prints run….
You're right. 😉
I used my Printer in that Time about 12h or even more.
And the power i used at the End was more cause i tryed to print with ASA with the Heatbed at 95°C and the Hotend about 250°C.
Thanks for your report. This is a bug and will be fixed in 1.20beta3 which I intend to release today. In the meantime, a workaround is to use M911 to define an auto save voltage, 1 or 2V below your normal power supply voltage. You can do this while your print is paused.
The point is that when you use M350 to change the microstepping, the steps/mm that you already had at that point are automatically changed accordingly. So both examples and up using x128 microstepping and 640 steps/mm for X and Y.