@chrishamm I solved the problem (so close the topic as solved please). I dont know the causes but this is how it is working now:
.- In config.txt I commented the line
By doing this and rebooting, I can see the raspberry logo at boot but then again all goes white and stays there
So again in config.txt I made the change:
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
And these 2 changes solved the problem. Everything in "normal " now, The camera is not working either but it is detected.
On the other printer I checked, and disable_fw_kms_setup=1 is not commented... Documentation says this uses kernel defaults. So my guess is since the difference between both raspi images is the date and I can see a difference on kernel vlaues, there is something internal that makes all this trouble to me.
Either way, it is solved. Thanks for the help