@deckingman said in Max current of vfused for duet 3:
@kvi94 Well to be pedantic, the current from vfused is determined by the size of the fuse. 🙂 But that's not really what you want to know is it? The answer to your question depends on which connector you use. e.g. Out0 is generally for a bed heater and will take around 15A. Out1to3 are the larger 2 pin JST VH connectors and each of those can take 6A. The smaller 2 pin KK connectors can take around 2.5 Amps each. Specs for the gen 3 main board are here https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_3_Mainboard_6HC_Hardware_Overview
Thanks for the info, it is partly what I was looking for.
Sorry for not being explicit about the particular vfused connector. I was actually referring to the vfused(2 pin KK connectors) which is meant for an always on fan.
If its rated 2.5 Amps, then that should be more than enough for 2 fans and an LED. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you.