Hat jemand eine Idee?
Ja. Lesen! In English, of course, so that the Duet community can contribute. Start with the official (and very good) documentation by Duet3D itself - for Z probes, there’s this one: Connecting a Z probe. For the Klicky probe, scroll to the bottom. Then, search the forum for ”Klicky” - you’ll find many threads on that.
One note on your specific question: for a switching probe, it is possible to attach it to any input connector. The Duet 2 came with some dedicated ports, but these assignments were alleviated and have mostly become obsolete. BUT: in order to pick up the Clicky, you must first home the printer, so you might consider using a conventional endstop for Z anyway. For probing, the Klicky is fine.
Another reason to use the dedicated probe connector on the Duet 2 is flexibility: whenever you would like to switch to some other kind of probe, that’s easy with the Z probe header, with some other ports: impossible.