@selva_tvi I think the problem is that you are trying to send tool 1 below Z0. The left tool, which I assume is Tool 0, has G10 P0 Z0. When applying offsets:
Tool offsets are given as the offset of the nozzle relative to the print head reference point, so the signs are opposite to what you might expect because tool offsets are subtracted from the required printing locations during printing.
You are using Tool 0 nozzle tip as your 'print head reference point', with Z0 at the tip, but you need to go -0.3 below this for Tool1, which takes it below Z0. I think there are a couple of options:
Set M208 to allow for some negative Z movement, or
Set Tool 0 to G10 P0 Z-0.3, and adjust the Z probe trigger height/homing height, and set Tool 1 to G10 P1 Z0
See also https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Tuning/Defining_tool_and_Z_probe_offsets for a better explanation of using tool offsets.
Realistically if you are printing in duplicate and mirror mode, you will achieve better results by getting both nozzle to the same height.