@T3P3Tony that needs just a couple of led lit cable guides (-:

Posts made by oliof
RE: My new simplified printer design
RE: My new simplified printer design
@droftarts maybe do something like the test rig one of the FluidNC devs came up with
RE: Duet 2/Duex5 looking for a good home
@elmoret those used Duet2s seem to be a gateway unto RRF for a bunch of people with tight budget that get fed up with barrel scraper boards failing on them. Its a great service you provide.
RE: [FW 3.5.2] High jerk good for circular path not for corners
@Triet the smoothing is a side effect of effective input shaping.
RE: Need help with 5 Bar SCARA configuration
@JoergS5 for standard scara I seem to remember that H2/ direct motor moves happen in degrees (because if you command a single motor directly you can't command any position as with cartesian). Is that true for 5bar scara as well?
RE: How many tools?
@Aurimas IMO USB connectors are a terrible choice because someone will plug the wrong wires with rhe right connector in and then things will go splooey.
Also USB connections arent specced for motion, so having them on a toolboard invites them getting loose over time.
RE: 3.6.b3 mainboards as expansion boards disconnect during printing
@aetherialdesign HeatTaskStuck sounds unusual, maybe @dc42 can help out
RE: How many tools?
minimum of four tools for tool changer just seems to be an evolutionary inevitability to me. For two tools, IDEX is much easier to build and use (and you can make tool changes in less than two seconds with careful tuning). For three toolheads, its just not worth the added complexity and cost of machine space so four is the viable minimum and six/seven the viable maximum without enlarging the machine just to get more docking area ...
(yes, you can get a PrusaXL with one or two tools, but thats a business consideration).
RE: [Bug / Feature Request]: negative temperatures in chart
@pixelpieper maybe check the BtnCmd plugin for a customized UI and temp chart
RE: Automated and 3D printed ski and snowboard Ptex/HDPE repair
@yoshimitsuspeed the IR probe does not work as a scanning probe but dc42 indicated it should be pissible to turn it into one with firmware modifications. Nobody has indicated that this work is planned though.
RE: IR Height Sensor
@br7408 it didnt endeavor the threat of replacemebt I guess.
RE: Motor problems on RatRig V-Core 3
@Electriceye to check drivers to work you cant just use a multimeter, you need to use an oscilloscope to see whether they properly generate steps. Alternately you can use a stepper driver analyzer (search the forum for more info), but in the end that's more or kess an oscilloscope with sone predefined settings.
Blown drivers usually exhibit "craters" or little blow holes, so inspecting them visually is another option. Posting high resolution, focussed photos of drivers here allows us to help determine whether a driver is blown or not.
If a driver looks good, the next most likely culprits are still motor wiring/crimps (testable with a pull test holding the housing and tugging on the wires and solder defects for the pins (also visually detectable).
Regarding the Octopus board: The heatsinks on the plastic housing act much less as a proper heat dissipator than the vias designed into duet boards and the high copper content on the duet board.
The duet boards are best cooled by blowing a bit of air above and below the board along the drivers.Another drawback of the stepstick format is the inherent current limitation and the usual arrangement making proper cooling on top and bottom of the stepsticks difficult, especially with banks of jumpers blocking airflow.
RE: IR Height Sensor
@br7408 it may be a faulty probe, a similar case of this was handled under warranty (ref https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/30051/ir-probe-faulty-triggers-well-before-the-actual-trigger-point/22). One for @Phaedrux I guess.
RE: IR Height Sensor
@br7408 ISTR that there is a chance for false triggers at high distances due to stray reflections. I dont remember what the workaround/mitigation was.
RE: resume redundant extrusion
@bugpwr best to open a separate thread for the separate issue so this can be marked solved.
RE: Folgertech FT5 Duet Upgrade
one of the advantages of CoreXY is that the motors are static for both axes so you get right of the flying X motor. You pay for that with longer belt runs and a bit more challenging belt tension tuning.
RE: MFM_enclosureV3.scad to .step/.f3d: issues
its probably easier, faster, and will garner a better file if one were to remodel in fusion from the reference openscad model. I personally think its great to have the reference files in an open, almost human readable format (I cant run fusion, but I can run OpenSCAD on a tomato class computer if the need be).
RE: What useful things have you printed on a 3D printer?
repair / reinforcement brackets, wall holders to turn rods into hangers, all kinds of connectors; emergency replacement wheels for 1:32 slot cars, self watering plant pots, shims, spacers, wedges, skadis holders of all kinds for a sewing station, ....and some more I forgot about
RE: Motor problems on RatRig V-Core 3
@Electriceye said in Motor problems on RatRig V-Core 3:
Warning: Driver 0.2 warning: phase B may be disconnected
So...that's not good, looks like 2 drivers may be toast. What a way to start a build.
Before you worry about the drivers being blown, provide photos of the stepper connections on the board and motor side, and of the drivers. The error above may very well be about a wiring issue (either phases not being AA BB, or bad connection).