When and where did you purchase the 6HC?
Is this a new build? Has it ever worked correctly?
Can you send M122 and M98 P"config.g" in the gcode console of DWC and copy and paste the results here?
When and where did you purchase the 6HC?
Is this a new build? Has it ever worked correctly?
Can you send M122 and M98 P"config.g" in the gcode console of DWC and copy and paste the results here?
Try prusa slicer as a sanity check?
How fast are you extruding into free air when you're testing? Are you actually matching the feed rates that would be used during the print?
The only difference between the walls and infill is the extrusion width. Though the volumetric flow is lower on the walls than infill due to being slower.
That still may be too high for TPU. Try dropping the print speed by half.
TPU is hard to print with to begin with. Testing with PLA would be my next step.
When was the last time prints were working correctly?
I doubt it's a firmware issue, but it could be related to your configuration. 16x microstepping is the norm. If your steps per mm are way out of whack for 1x microstepping no wonder things aren't extruding well.
The sliced gcode file you shared shows nothing out of the ordinary when previewed in prusa slicer gcode viewer.
Why 1x micro stepping?
Have you tried with pla instead of tpu?
Try reslicing the file with the same speed for walls and infills.
; Extruders
M584 E0.0 ; set extruder mapping
M350 E1 I1 ; configure microstepping with interpolation
M906 E1100 ; set extruder driver currents
M92 E562 ; configure steps per mm
M566 E3000 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 E12000 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 E5000 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2)
This is a very strange extruder setup. What kind of extruder is this?
Are you able to extrude in free air from the DWC extrusion commands?
Also please post your homing files.
I've given you an upvote so that you may post links.
Can you share your full config.g and the results of sending M122 and M98 P"config.g" in the gcode console please?
@damaged_goods Give it a blast of compressed air maybe something is shorting.
If you can identify the mosfet you can test it with a multimeter.
If you're handy with an iron you can try replacing it as well.
Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
@DaveA Getting some information from a USB terminal would be your first stop.
When and where did you purchase it?
@Rob-Holierhoek said in Duet2 wifi on ender 5:
I get an error even after doing m303 h0 s65 it does its learning thing but even after it finishes it still gives the error saying bed temp didnt climb fast enough
Did you save the results of the tuning with M500 and add M501 to the end of your config.g to load those saved values at power up?
@Rob-Holierhoek said in Duet2 wifi on ender 5:
it does the bed level its quite slow as well as when it prints it is slow and it constantly stops and then after 5 or so seconds it prints.
Can you give some more detail about what you mean by slow? The probing is slow, or the printing?
@Rob-Holierhoek said in Duet2 wifi on ender 5:
my question is could it be the update delay for settings is set to 500ms and the update for delay for cache changes 1000ms
Where are you seeing those settings?
Thanks. Can you share the full config.json that it generated for you as well?
@machinemark I think you should start a new thread for your issue instead of piggy backing on an old solved thread.
Illegal parameter letter '_'
Look in the file for an underscore. It looks like they are targeting Klipper exclusively and inserting the names of common klipper macros.
@dbenhart said in Chamber Heater Sensor Fault:
, I was just unsure of whether this is the best-practice.
If the chamber is unused, then there is no reason not to disable it.
I'm curious what the error was though, I didn't think a temp change on an unused heater would cause an issue, but perhaps the watchdog is still watching.