Tuning the heater as a tool rather than just a heater will help as it will integrate the cooling fan effect.
What command did you use to tune the heater and what was the result?
Tuning the heater as a tool rather than just a heater will help as it will integrate the cooling fan effect.
What command did you use to tune the heater and what was the result?
I'd backup your configs and try flashing a freshly downloaded DuetPi image.
@GPetropoulos Yes the mini5+ would be the logical successor for a basic Duet 2 setup.
@GPetropoulos said in Suddenly my extruder stopped working - Driver Issue???:
If I would attempt to replace the drivers you thing it would be solved or could it be a deeper issue in the board.
Yes everything seems to point to the drivers. Can you think of anything that may have happened to cause an issue?
Unfortunately it sounds like the drivers have failed.
Assuming you are outside of the warranty window, your options are
When you power the board via USB does it power up and respond?
Perhaps @chrishamm can confirm if the pi imager user setup should be working?
@GPetropoulos said in Suddenly my extruder stopped working - Driver Issue???:
I get "Warning: Driver 4 warning: phase A may be disconnected, phase B may be disconnected" in the console
I tried another cable. Nope. I tried another motor, nope. So I tried this motor in another driver and the motor works.
This does sound like a failed driver. Either internally the driver failed or there was an intermitent connection on the wiring that may have done some damage.
Just to be sure though, how did you test the motor on an alternate driver? Did you remap the driver for E in the M584 command?
@chris-costa said in Duet 2 WiFi Warranty Claim:
Was that a warranty replacement board?
Where and when was the replacement board purchased?
Have you replaced the motor for the driver that has been giving the issue?
Is there a specific question you have?
@janjoh said in Slow after changing extruder:
M566 E300
The orbiter jerk is quite low. With pressure advance there's going to be some direction changes for the extruder and it'd going to have to slow down to your jerk setting for that.
Have you retuned your retraction pressure advance settings after changing extruders?
@Lachlan said in 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding:
mains in from the printer only the VIN light comes on, If I plug in the computer via usb, then only the 5.5V light comes on
This does sound like the 3v buck converter has failed. Can you share a high resolution close up of the board?
When and where did you purchase the Duet?
@Lachlan said in 3.3v light gone out - duet not responding:
After tweaking the wire on one of the z axis motors,
What exactly does this mean?
@chris-costa said in Duet 2 WiFi Warranty Claim:
I just replaced the board only four months ago as this issue happened before.
Was that a warranty replacement board?
@guywinslow said in Problem on new installation / upgrade:
@chrishamm Question: I installed DuetPi-arm64.zip and can't seem to login or logon. Has the user or password changed?
Did you use the Raspberry Pi Imager?
Best to create a new thread if you're still having issues.
Can you use the USB bossa firmware flashing instructions to reflash the 6Xd with the stock 3.5.2 firmware? Then attempt to setup the board standalone by setting up an SD card with the 3.5.2 DWC files without any other canbus boards connected. If that works, go from there and add the expansion boards.
@p8blr said in Firmware update bricked printer - SPI connection has been reset:
This is an edit because nobody has responded yet, but I took a spare 6XD that I had, re-imaged the NVME, connected everything, ran sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade (this updated firmware on the 6XD to 3.5.2) and I still get the same SPI errors.
This is a little strange and makes it sound like it's actually an issue with the ribbon cable or Pi itself.
Can you try clearing your browser cache?
@Chrashem Positive Z movement always moves the bed and print head farther apart, regardless if that is up or down.
@resam said in Bed leveling: DWC heightmap shifted in Y:
probe mounted "behind (Y axis)" the nozzle.
If it's mounted behind, the probe offset for Y would be positive, would it not?
Are you able to connect the thermistor directly to the Duet and test if it has the same issue?
Perhaps @chrishamm can suggest some log files to check to see what is failing.