@falkia said in the ground loop thing:
Without having the 0V connected to ground/earth and the frame of the printer connected to earth/ground, then for example the fuse for the bed heater may not trip if you get a short to the frame in the heater.
I use AC powered heaters and the frame of the printer and the associated parts so a short from heater to frame would blow the fuse.
If I used DC powered heaters a short from the heater to the frame would not be dangerous as the DC outputs of the power supply are floating but there would also be no sign of that condition without a measurement being taken.
Yes, I understand that many folks recommend bonding the "ground" output (whatever that means) of the DC power supply to the "earth" ground.
Over the years (and there are many behind me) I never have done that and it has never caused any problems for me.
Thanks for the feedback.