@t3p3tony I noticed the D's as well and the fact that that parameter is not documented on the wiki. The reason I left it in there is because I copied/modified a g-code script (created by cura) I got from OP. I believe they are silently ignored by the Duet.
After some more testing we can confirm that just tool changes work. MoveTC10_test_2.gcode contains basically only toolchanges and that was reported working without issue.
So I figured somewhere between script 2 and script 1 lies an issue in the g-code commands.
My next step was to slowly remove more and more gcode starting from script 1 and see at what point it started working.
MoveTC10_test_3.gcode -> not working
MoveTC10_test_4.gcode -> not working
MoveTC10_test_5.gcode -> not working
MoveTC10_test_6.gcode -> reported not working but slower. Only after 1,5 runs of the script did the offset become to large for a tool change to fail. (normally failure is reported after ~8 changes)
EDIT: At this point I don't really know how to advice/test anyfurter. Since we can almost certainly rule out mechanical issues, since script 2 works without issue. But anything more that just tool changes does give issue ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Here are the free/pre scripts for T0, they are identical for T1
; tfree0.g
; called when tool 0 is freed
;Drop the bed
G1 Z4 F1000
;Purge nozzle
;M98 P"purge.g"
;Move In
G53 G1 X282 Y10 F10000
;Magnet 100 prozent
M106 P10 S1
M106 P11 S1
;brush cooler
M106 P0 S1
G53 G1 X282.1 Y-86.4
;Open Coupler
M98 P"/macros/Coupler - Unlock"
;fan off
M106 P2 S1
;Move Out
G53 G1 X282 Y10 F7000
;magnet 50 prozent
M106 P10 S0.5
M106 P11 S0.5
; tpre0.g
; called before tool 0 is selected
;Unlock Coupler
M98 P"/macros/Coupler - Unlock"
;brush cooler
M106 P0 S0
;Move in
G1 X282.1 Y10 F10000
G1 X282.1 Y-86.7 F4000
;Close Coupler
M98 P"/macros/Coupler - Lock"
;Magnet 0 prozent
M106 P10 S0
M106 P11 S0
;if you are using non-standard length hotends ensure the bed is lowered enough BEFORE undocking the tool!
G1 Z0 F400
;Move Out
G1 X282.1 Y-35 F7000
ps I have no idea why the formum gives them different styling.