Thanks so much for your quick response and wish my understanding is correct on your recommendation.
4 z-motors : one to ZA and one to ZB pins separately and another 2 motors to Y-pin in series. 2 y-motors : E0 and E1 pins separately.And endstop is Makerbot mechanical endstop and found instruction on Duetwiki.
quote //
Makerbot Mechanical Endstop v1.2
Connect it to the Duet endstop connector as follows. Note: the pins on the Duet endstop connector are not in the same order as on RAMPS!
Unfortunately the pin markings on the Makerbot endstop board are hidden underneath the connector. Pin 1 is next to the long edge of the board that does not have the microswitch on it, and pin 4 is nearest the edge with the microswitch.
These devices produce an active-low output, so use the S0 parameter in your M574 command.
// unquote
So I guess voltage is correct 3.3v but need to do re-crimp as pin order is adverse and set S0 at M574.
Appreciate for your confirm whether above is correct.