@Turbo hmm.... my thinking is that there might be a few things at play. The patterns are occurring regularly every 8mm up the print, and your leadscrews do have an 8mm lead (8mm per rev, assuming you're using a standard Prusa Z-axis). This suggests that there may be something going on with the Z-axis as @whopping-pochard mentioned. However, it is also only on the Y-face, following sharp corners suggesting that it is something X-Y motion or extrusion related.
Are you using bed mesh compensation? It could be that there is some small misalignment/issue in your Z-motion which only comes apparent following sharp corners (maybe too fast or two slow). I'm guessing your X & Y jerk/accel settings are quite different which will mean the motion will be different on the Y-face to the X-face. I don't know exactly what the full mechanism would be, but I'm guessing your Y-jerk & accel is lower so the head is moving slower on the Y-face following a sharp corner and there isn't the resolution in your Z-motion to still give smooth zertical motion with a slight binding on the lead screw. It's convoluted and wishy washy I know...
Something else I noted looking closer at your print is that there is a small amount of Z-banding. It's pretty minor so nothing unusual (I'd actually say it's pretty good!), but some of the bands line up with the pattern you are seeing in a regular way, again suggesting it is Z-axis related (though not only a Z-issue).
As I say, the best way to tell will be to try and print the same object again, but with a 4mm tall base at the bottom with rounded edges. If the pattern comes out at the same heights in the two prints, you know it must be (at least partially) Z-axis related.
Final question - which way up did the object print in the picture?