It's okay that the firmware (and gcode) doesn't support what I want. I was really only asking if it was possible to do within the existing duet framework.
There are other ways to do things (such as poking buttons on the paneldue to feed 100mm, 50mm, etc of filament at a time until I'm happy with the load.) I was just trying to fit reprap/gcode into the sailfish box I had grown accustomed to.
Being that I'm already moving outside that box (slowly, but surely), it's not a big problem. I've already changed T0 to be my left tool and T1 to be my right. It better matches the paneldue display, the DWC, and the tendency for most English speakers to think in terms of left to right.
Anyway, if I really wanted some kind of continuous feed, there's nothing stopping me from grabbing the source code and adding it. 🙂
Take care