yes but… disconnecting two plugs and then connecting them to another effector (with for example a different hotend mounted on it) is pretty much the same time wise as disconnecting 1 plug, without the hassle of a different PCB
My Duetwifi is installed in an all aluminum electronics enclosure with a polycarbonate hatch in the back.
As you can imagine I only have a good signal when the printer is oriented so that the back is directed to the antenna of the router.
To cover this issue, I installed a separate AP behind the printer. It is a heavy one, so I don't move it easily. Just rolling it around on a couple of sqm for easy access when tinkering…
Also on the wiki page, the table for the 8-way white Molex KK connector has labels shown 1 to 8 but this isn't whats on the diagrams of the PCB, shouldn't these be updated to match - ie VCC,MOD,GND etc.
They have a nice selection in their StepServo lineup.
The tuning features are pretty amazing. You can really dial in the accuracy based on the inertia and mechanics of your system.
Pretty pricey, but a really nice total package solution.
On the original version 1 sensor I did use a Molex KK connector. Unfortunately it took up more room, making it impossible to fit the sensor below the heatsink of the E3D hot end.
If I were to want to scrape status, would I be better using the pi to pull rr_status, or should I connect it via serial and poll status that way? (curl grabs rr_status nicely for parsing, so was thinking I'd go that route)
Yeah fair enough I didn't know that was one of his too, but that's what I mean, its a well positioned offering, if it weren't people wouldn't be buying them, or they would be selling them on ebay, which they aren't.
Thanks for pointing this out, e3d must now use slightly thicker wires. We will look at getting short 0.75mm ferrules as those fit well into the 3.5mm terminals ( but the standard lenght ones do need to be cut down after crimping).
Those points could be used to connect breakout drivers, but as those channels are configured in firmware for TMC2660 drivers, it would require a firmware change to support Pololu-type drivers on those pins. Given that the firmware already supports connecting Pololu-type drivers to the expansion bus, and mapping of XYZ/E1/E2 motors to whatever drivers you want, it seems pointless to complicate the firmware by making the on-board driver type configurable.
This makes sense, also the onboard drivers are IMO far superior to most. No need to complicate things more.
Actually guys, this is maybe not such a good idea. I've just done a test heating the bed from around 22 deg C ambient to 65degC and measuring both the bed (inside the aluminium) and the surface temperature (thermocouple stuck to top of glass with Kapton tape. Spreadsheet is here if anyone is interested Basically, at least for my particular bed, there is hardly any difference in the measured temperatures. Which only goes to prove that I shouldn't believe what a lot of people say about using glass on top of aluminium. I guess measuring the surface temperature might be worth doing if the print cooling fan had an effect but you'd need to have a very fast response heater to compensate.
Is it still possible to get one of these or do we have to wait for production boards now? If the latter, what is the timing? I have 3 x Z steppers with external drivers ATM I need to drive and was going to make my own breakout board but one of these would be much easier.