@T3P3Tony I can understand the thoughts on config-user.g not being a system file, so I'm guessing it was a DWC bug.
The config-user.g is good for settings you may want to frequently tweak after boot, that are safe to reload at any time. Having a reload_config-user macro usually accompanies it. I personally have a number of additional files
axis-limits.g: I have kinematics that get tweaked frequently so i will reload that
tools.g: this sets all of the kinematic configs for the tools.
macros/tfree|tpre|tpost: these have all of the common movements for all of the tools. these macros take parameters so any movement lengths only need to be provided in the tfree_.g, tpre_.g, and tpost_.g files, like `M98 P"/macros/tools/tfree.g"
It took me a lot of work to get this all working smoothly. But now I have a lot of safety measures built in with docking sensors, "coupler homed?", temperature thresholds.
; tfree0.g ; Common routine M98 P"/macros/tools/tfree" X3.0 Y20.0 ; X param is how far from the end of X axis to go to pick up the tool , Y param is absolute Y position to pick up the tooltpre0.g
; tpre0.g M98 P"/macros/tools/tpre" X3.0 Y20.0 ; move into position, same params as tfreetpost0.g
; tpost0.g M98 P"/macros/tools/tpost" A0.037 ; A param is pressure advance setting M593 P"zvddd" F52.8 S.1 ; enable input shapingand the macros they call
; tfreeN ; called when tool N is freed ; var t = state.currentTool var heaterIndex = state.currentTool + 1 var x = param.X var y = param.Y var xMax = move.axes[0].max - var.x var sensor_index = var.t + 10 var dock0 = sensors.gpIn[10].value var dock1 = sensors.gpIn[11].value var dock2 = sensors.gpIn[12].value var dock3 = sensors.gpIn[13].value var undockedTools = "" var cancelMessage = "Too many undocked tools: " if { var.dock0 == 0 } set var.undockedTools = var.undockedTools ^ "1" set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ "0" if { var.dock1 == 0 } set var.undockedTools = var.undockedTools ^ "1" if #var.undockedTools > 0 set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ ", " set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ "1" if { var.dock2 == 0 } set var.undockedTools = var.undockedTools ^ "1" if #var.undockedTools > 0 set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ ", " set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ "2" if { var.dock3 == 0 } set var.undockedTools = var.undockedTools ^ "1" if #var.undockedTools > 0 set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ ", " set var.cancelMessage = var.cancelMessage ^ "3" if exists(param.S) set var.undockedTools = "1" if #var.undockedTools > 1 M291 P{var.cancelMessage} else G60 S0 if {heat.heaters[var.heaterIndex].current} > 170 G1 E-5 F6000 G91 G1 Z1 G90 G53 G1 Y{var.y} F12000 G53 G1 X380 F12000 G53 G1 X{var.xMax} F2000 M106 P{var.t + 1} S0 ;Open Coupler M98 P"/macros/tool_unlock" ;Move Out G53 G1 X380 F12000 G53 G1 X330 F12000 M400 M593 P"none" ; disable input shaping/macros/tools/tpre
; tpre ; called before tool 1 is selected ;WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ;if you are using non-standard length hotends ensure the bed is lowered enough BEFORE undocking the tool! var t = state.nextTool var heaterIndex = var.t + 1 var x = param.X var y = param.Y var xMax = move.axes[0].max - var.x var dock0 = sensors.gpIn[10].value var dock1 = sensors.gpIn[11].value var dock2 = sensors.gpIn[12].value var dock3 = sensors.gpIn[13].value if { var.dock0 == 1 && var.dock1 == 1 && var.dock2 == 1 && var.dock3 == 1 } if tools[var.t].state != "active" var message = "Activating Tool " ^ var.t M118 S{var.message} M98 P"/macros/tools/safeZ" ;Move In G53 G1 X300 F12000 G53 G1 Y{var.y} F12000 G53 G1 X380 F12000 G53 G1 X{var.xMax} F1800 M98 P"/macros/tool_lock" ;Close Coupler G53 G1 X397 F900 M400 else T-1 P0/macros/tools/tpost
; tpost0.g ; called after tool 0 has been selected var t = state.currentTool var sensorIndex = state.currentTool + 10 var heaterIndex = state.currentTool + 1 var a = param.A var docked = sensors.gpIn[var.sensorIndex].value if exists(param.S) set var.docked = 0 if var.docked == 0 G91 G1 X-60 F1800 G1 X-40 F6000 G90 M116 P{var.t} if {heat.heaters[var.heaterIndex].current} > 170 M98 P"/macros/tools/wipe_tall" else G91 G1 X-100 F6000 G90 M400 M572 D{var.t} S{var.a} ; enable fan if it was running M106 R2 else T-1 P0