@Tinchus I just saw your other thread where you say:
But I tried to start printing today and I found this issue: so far I was using the DWC, on the screen I choosed the desired temperature. Due to restrictions or maybe my lack of knowledge on reprapfirmware, my config created on the screen 2 chambers, so on the screen I have to set up the chamber temperature on both of them. No a problem for me. And this is working ok. I set up the temperature on them and both resistors turn on.
Now I moved into printing. I set up my start gcode using M141 P0 S80 and M141 P1 S80 in order to turn on both chamber heaters.
To my surprise this gcode is not working : M141 P0 S80 turns on 1 heater, but them M141 P1 S80 turns on the other heater but turns off the first one. And so on: every time I execute a gocode to turn on 1 heater the other one is turned off.
Lets keep the discussion here so its easier to follow later
Ok so this has progressed to the point where the two chamber heaters work when controlled with DWC, but not in a print file?
I have replicated part of your system as best I can (I dont have a chamber with two heaters so have to work around this) and If I send:
M141 P0 S150
M141 P1 S150
from the console, both heaters stay on (at least until the heater faults i get beacuse this is not a proper chamber heater just a replication).
Can you try sending the commands form the console and see the results.
If the first heater turns off then are any errors reported in the console? Also what is the state of the heater in DWC?