@knutselsmurf You can add an external driver board to any of the driver pins on the expansion header (up to 5 additional drivers) or CONN_LCD (2 more). See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Using_external_stepper_motor_drivers#Section_Connecting_Pololu_style_drivers
I recently bought one of these style of boards for a project, which works with stepstick-style drivers (usually A4988 or DRV8825, but you can get TMC drivers that match the stepstick pinout):
If you connect a driver this way, note that all three Z drivers need the same microstepping, acceleration, jerk etc settings, so it may be better to move Z connections onto the Duet, and connect the extruder or other axis to the external driver.
The Duex5 is still current, not obsolete, but may be out of stock where you are looking. It may also be overkill to add 5 drivers when you only need one! Contact info@duet3d.com if you still want one and can't find it anywhere else.