That does make sense for a bad crimp. But another possibility is that one of the pins on the 8-pin connector hasn't been soldered. That connector has to be hand soldered, so it's possible that a pin has been missed. Please check. Failing that, it could be a bad solder joint on the effector.
What I think is happening is that at or shortly before the probe point that is skipped, the effector is receiving no power. Then the cable flexes and the dodgy connection makes contact. So after a couple of seconds the sensor completes its initialisation, which is why it flashes 3 times.
The particular connection i suspect is the one that carries +3.3V to the effector. Try moving the effector in the XY plane as if between probe points with a pause afterwards, and see if you can make the led flash 3 times with the same interval that you get when you first power the printer on.