Thanks everyone. In my mind I'd had it set to 5mm (I must have been thinking cm when I entered it) - was surprised to see 0.5mm in my config, but I still expected it to work (maybe not work WELL) since I didn't see a minimum in the docs.
I don't know anything about your setup but maybe your extruder can't keep up. The product of line width * layer height * print speed must be below the max value that your extruder can hack. As for infill pattern type, I almost always use zigzag which is fast to print and adheres well to the walls.
I recommend PT100 sensors over thermocouples, except where very high temperatures are required. The E3D PT100 sensor (without the amplifier board) and Duet PT100 daughter board are sufficient.
I received my new board a week ago and it's working like a charm.
I want to thank Roland from Think3dPrint3d for the great customer service and you, David, for your rapid and efficient help to find and solve my problem.
The duetEthernet is a really good controller and i'm now fully convince to have make the right choice.
Thank you all and have a merry christmas and a happy new year !
If you haven't already, take a look at this page: My understanding is that the bed.g file is used for G32 leveling, and may have a maximum number of points (though I may be confusing that with Delta calibration).
Mesh bed leveling is G29, and for coordinates it uses the [c]M557 X30:310 Y20:200 S40; Define mesh grid[/c], not bed.g.
You can only use one or the other (unless you have a delta):
On a Cartesian printer, you can use either mesh levelling (G29) or G30/G32 probing, not both. On a Cartesian printer mesh levelling is recommended but bed probing is still supported for backward compatibility with older firmware configurations.
Hope this helps (and hope it's correct - I still get tripped up on it from time-to-time).
It sounds to me that you adjusted the G31 Z parameter to 18.64 after you had run auto calibration, instead of before. The firmware needs to know the Z probe trigger height during probing.
With a removable probe, your approach of adjusting the homes height afterwards is equally valid.
I would set up the Tool2 as described in the above link.
(I'm assuming I can have that configuration for Tool2 in my config.h file and just leave it there all the time)??
In my slicer (which is S3D) .. I would add a profile/printer that has a 3rd Extruder (Tool2).
Then place a single model on my platform in a position that allows for my X offset
Slice it normally (as a single model) - which would show up only once in the slice preview
Send it to the printer and it will print the 2up duplicate.
Could you describe your bed configuration. By that I mean, what it physically consists of. I might have an idea.
It's a sheet of 4mm glass with a stick on heater pad, (there is no aluminium bed plate like most printers I've seen)
The glass is clipped on 2 thin metal strips that run along the edges of the glass. These strips have 2 screws/springs for adjusting the height. The bed is fixed and the print head moves. On my phone now so can't take a pictures but if you Google east 3d gecko corexy you should get an idea
Basically the bed design is flawed as under full power (24v) the glass flexes up and down 0.1mm. The designer is confident he can come up with a solution soon but in the mean time, I find than ticking the bed with heat seems to work better than blasting it. If that makes sense?
I saved my config.g bed.g home, pause and resume files and put completly fresh files on the sd card
and still same problem. i tripple checked all files for spelling errors etc an wrote files from scratch but nothing helped
after that a friend said why dont you try mesh again just to see if that one works
i reenabled mesh in config.g (M557 X30:311 Y22:295 S20) ran it once and the problem was gone
next meaning 1.18 or later I guess - on version 1.17 the M291 command does not work.
I had an M291 P"message" S3 command in a macro and this has a disastrous effect on functionality.
As soon as I execute the macro, the status line at the top of the display shows "busy" and from that moment on I cannot access the SD1 card from the PanelDue anymore.
Any idea on a release date for a new firmware revision supporting this?
I just configured some macros to deploy and retract a probe; this requires some manual intervention on my machine so I use the M291 command - works great from the web interface.
I've tried this, I switched my extruder to 1/4 and it was not interpolating, and it meant my other axes were not either, noisier but not as much noisier as I expected. It reduced my missed steps for extruder which I was getting but then with 4200 steps/mm on 1/16th, and a 30:1 gear reduction, a few missed ones is not going to affect print quality so I'm back on interpolation for all axes.
What appears to be happening is that the height of the nozzle at a particular point depends on whether it was approached from the +X or the -X direction. The fact that the issue doesn't occur at points that lie on X=0 suggests to me that the issue lies with the Z carriage movement or the associated bearings.
Try sending G91 and then make small Z carriage movements e.g. G1 S2 Z0.5 and G1 S2 Z-0.5 alternately, and check that you are getting carriage movement.