@dc42 well try to move stuff without looking at the screen but looking at what you are doing ... imho check this circle divided in 4 parts, put the finger in the middle and move your head to the printer, move your finger around and you are moving head .. more finger is from the center, you move it more... works without looking .. the layout as is now on the panel I have to use the stylus just to not move wrong axis by looking at the screen, without looking at the screen I can't do anything...
imho for paneldue it would be better to have a separate "how much" slider to decide by how much you are moving and then something like this circle and stripe for where (so no matter where in the quarter of the screen you touch you move by same set value)
anyhow, those are my preferences, but I'm using attm only one paneldue and mostly only for monitoring and don't remember last time I "touched" it and I don't think I'll be getting more of them so I'm ok with whatever you guy's make... I'm thinking about using old phones as interface, they can all run both web and some special app ..